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As to the muscles, there is a short flexor, a short extensor, and a 'peronaeus longus', while the tendons of the long flexors of the great toe and of the other toes are united together and with an accessory fleshy bundle. The hind limb of the Gorilla, therefore, ends in a true foot, with a very moveable great toe.

Not only are the principal flexors of the fingers and of the thumb long muscles, but they remain quite distinct from one another through their whole length.

The same two classes of differences become obvious when the muscles of the hand are compared with those of the foot. Three principal sets of muscles, called "flexors," bend the fingers and thumb, as in clenching the fist, and three sets the extensors extend them, as in straightening the fingers.

He may, however, regain some power of flexing the forearm when it is fully pronated, the extensors of the wrist becoming feeble flexors of the elbow. There is, as a rule, no loss of sensibility, but complaint may be made of tickling and of pins-and-needles over the lateral aspect of the arm.

Horses that are "knee sprung" or that have a congenital condition where in the anterior line, as formed by the radius, carpal and metacarpal bones, is bent forward at the carpus, are subject to inflammation and contraction of the carpal flexors. When these flexors are contracted, the condition is commonly known among horsemen as "buck knee." Symptomatology.

There is no evidence of paralysis of the facial muscles. In fact, the cranial nerves, by detailed examination, are intact, except in so far as respiration and speech are concerned. The right leg is held entirely spastic, the muscles on both sides of the joints, that is, flexors and extensors, being equally contracted.

Thus, when the fingers are bent, the fleshy parts of the flexors of the fingers, placed in the arm, contract, in virtue of their peculiar endowment as muscles; and pulling the tendinous cords, connected with their ends, cause them to pull down the bones of the fingers towards the palm.

The muscles which bend the limbs are called flexors while those which straighten them are known as extensors. After a bone has been moved by the contraction of a muscle, it is brought back to its position by the contraction of another muscle on the opposite side, the former muscle meanwhile being relaxed. Muscles thus acting in opposition to each other are called antagonistic.