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He seemed to flaunt himself a little in the sun, lingering and laughing, strolling easily, looking white but natural in his nakedness. Then came Sir Joshua, in an overcoat, and lastly Hermione, striding with stiff grace from out of a great mantle of purple silk, her head tied up in purple and gold.

MacNair returned her gaze unflinchingly and again the girl felt an indescribable sense of smallness of helplessness before this man of the North, whose very presence breathed strength and indomitable man-power. "Was it possible," she wondered, "that he would dare to flaunt this strength in the very face of the law?"

At all events, impelled partly by a desire to have another look at the man, and partly, perhaps, by a morbid longing to flaunt myself before Tam, I grandly dipped my lofty belltopper under the doorway of the hut, and, without removing it, helped myself to a pannikin of tea from the bucket by the hearth, and sat down opposite the silent swagman.

The ugly little man in the pulpit, with the strange eyes that seemed to look through you, was telling a story of a garden, with One calling, and a pair of naked souls guilty and in fear before Him. It was as though she had been one of them! What right had he to flaunt such truths before a congregation? She was not familiar enough with Bible truths to know where he got the story.

On path and grass-plat, flower-bed and border, they flaunt and flourish. "Jack," the Zulu refugee, wages a feeble and totally inadequate warfare against them with a crooked hoe, but he is only a quarter in earnest, and stops to groan and take snuff so often that the result is that our garden is precisely in the condition of the garden of the sluggard, gate and all.

The unwelcome substitute appeared to be a collection of nature notes contributed by the author to the pages of some Northern weekly, and when one had been prepared to plunge with disapproving mind into a regrettable chronicle of ill-spent lives it was intensely irritating to read "the dainty yellow-hammers are now with us and flaunt their jaundiced livery from every bush and hillock."

For the sumptuous blending and flaunt of colour, the spontaneous awakening of warm, throbbing new life, and all those inspiring miracles of regeneration which are performed elsewhere in April and May, the city-pent must wait until mid-October. This is the spring of the city's year.

No, I must venture on Ladies, y'are welcome. Sir Tim. How, the Women? Hold, hold, Bellmour, let me choose too Come, come, unmask, and shew your pretty Faces. Flaunt. How, Sir Timothy! Sir Tim. Come, unmask, I say: a willing Wench would have shew'd all in half this time. Flaunt. Sir Tim. How, my Betty! Flaunt.

Flauntit, this young Squire that you were Sent to for, has two or three Persons more with him that must be accommodated too. Flaunt. Driver, though I do recreate my self a little sometimes, yet you know I value my Reputation and Honour. Jenny. Mrs.

Down at Yerba Buena, where the Americans flaunt themselves, there was but a Battery that could not give even a dance. But we had dances at the Presidio; day and night the guitar tinkled and the fiddles scraped; for what did we know of care, or old age, or convents or death? I was many years younger than Rafaella and did not go to the grand balls, but to the little dances, yes, many and many.