United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

On the surface it would appear that he is a reasonably industrious tradesman in Tottenham Court Road, who is anxious that there should be no visible connection between a plebian employment and so aristocratic a residence as that in Park Lane. At this point Spenser Hale gave expression to one of those rare flashes of reason which are always an astonishment to his friends.

The great lightning flashes threw for an instant their livid reflections into her room, and she saw herself in the mirror of her wardrobe, with her wet and disheveled hair, looking so strange that she did not recognize herself. She remained there so long that the storm abated without her perceiving it.

A crackle of hastily unslung carbines broke from the leading ranks, but in an instant the Guards burst through them and plunged on into the second troop. For a space the gallant rustics held their own, and the dense mass of men and horses swayed backwards and forwards, with the swirling sword-blades playing above them in flashes of angry light.

"My death, like those of the committee who have already fulfilled their pledge, is not suicide, but part of the inevitable price of liberty." The pistol is raised to his temple. Then a thought flashes upon him. "Your death will come as an ante-climax to the election. It may be the means of defeating the Independents." This thought causes him to lower the pistol. "To-morrow," he mutters.

Our flashes of inspiration shew that our hearts are in the right place. ZOO. Of course. You cannot keep your heart in any place but the right place. THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. Tcha! ZOO. But you can keep your hands in the wrong place. In your neighbor's pockets, for example. So, you see, it is your hands that really matter. I will not dispute it with you. ZOO. Good.

'They believe that these flashes are the spirits of the dead dancing before the throne of the Manitou, or Great Spirit. 'No wonder they should seek for some supernatural cause of such splendour, observed Robert. The aurora borealis exhibited another phase of its wondrous beauty on the ensuing evening.

A pull satisfied me that it was all clear! Some one on board must have cast off this painter, and then lost his chance of getting into the boat by an accident. At all events, I was safe, and I now dared to look about me. My only chance of seeing, was during the flashes; and these left me almost blind.

It was very clever, so clever that Valetta and Kitty Varley both listened as in sober earnest, never discovering, or only in flashes like Mysie, that it was really a satire on all the social state of the different European nations, under the denomination of schools.

THE first spring of peace gave place to summer, a summer memorable for its intense heat. One afternoon, toward the latter part of July, clouds dark and angry overcast the sky, and peals of thunder and flashes of lightning threatened a terrific storm. Pedestrians hurried homeward, and man and beast sought safety under shelter.

The sun was setting low down in the heavens as in a sea of gold, one long flame-coloured line alone marking the horizon. In the south-west rose cloud upon cloud of crimson and gold, crossed by rapid flashes of pale yellow and white lightning, which momentarily obliterated their rich colours.