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Therefore you should think little of their praise, and despise their blame. Cultivate the friendship of kindred spirits, but regard the rest of mankind as a worthless mass. 'Odi profanum vulgus et arceo!" "You ought to live at home in Rome, Flaccus, where...." "Yes, what are you doing now in Rome?"

The humble citizens who produced the head of Flaccus are said to have been defrauded of their reward; but the action of the man who wrested the head of Gracchus from the first possessor of the prize and bore it on a javelin's point to Opimius, long furnished a text to the moralist who discoursed on the madness of greed and the thirst of gold.

On the death of Marius, Valerius Flaccus was elected in his place, and sent to Asia. Licinius was a Senator. He was of Rhodes and a Stoic. Marius was consul with Cn. Papirius Carbo, B.C. 82. There seems to be some confusion about this younger Marius.

IV. III. Democratic Agitation under Carbo and Flaccus III. XII. Results. Competition of Transmarine Corn III. XII. Prices of Italian Corn III. XI. Reform of the Centuries IV. III. The Commission for Distributing the Domains III. VII. The Romans Maintain A Standing Army in Spain That Gracchus reduced the number of the legal years of service, seems to follow from Asconius in Cornel, p. 68; comp.

He told the people that if they were wise, they would choose not the most agreeable, but the most thorough physicians to perform this operation for them, and that these would be himself and Valerius Flaccus; for with him as a colleague he imagined that he might make some progress in the work of destroying, by knife and cautery, the hydra of luxury and effeminacy.

Three pontiffs were also created, Quintus Caecilius Metellus, Quintus Fabius Maximus, and Quintus Fulvius Flaccus, in the room of Publius Scantinius deceased, and of Lucius Aemilius Paulus the consul, and of Quintus Aelius Paetus, who had fallen in the battle of Cannae.

Through the influence of Flaccus, possibly with the aid of Fabius, Cato became military tribune, and served with that rank under Marcellus in Sicily, under Fabius again at the capture of Tarentum in 209, and under C. Claudius Nero at the battle of the Metaurus, where he contributed materially to that great victory. In 204 Cato began his political career with the quaestorship.

"You say he's from Præneste," said Gabinius, "and yet can he speak decent Latin? Doesn't he say 'conia' for 'ciconia, and 'tammodo' for 'tantummodo'? I wonder you invite such a boor." "Oh! he can speak good enough Latin," said Lucius. "But I invited him because he is rich; and it might be worth our while to make him gamble." "Rich!" lisped Servius Flaccus. For shame!"

Perhaps the most distinguished of Augustan scholars was another equally celebrated teacher, Marcus Verrius Flaccus, who was chosen by Augustus as tutor for his two grandsons, and thenceforward held his school in the imperial residence on the Palatine.

The total destruction of the regular troops and free bands in Lucania led by Marcus Centenius, a man imprudently promoted from a subaltern to be a general, and the not much less complete defeat of the negligent and arrogant praetor Gnaeus Fulvius Flaccus in Apulia, closed the long series of the misfortunes of this year.