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The poetical effusion: Majestic spot! Say, doth the sun in heaven Behold aught to equal thee, wave-washed Penleven? etc. Lighter verse: Here I came to take my ease, Agreeably disappointed to find no fl Mrs. Job, your bread and butter Is quite too utterly, utterly utter! J. Harper, June 3rd, 1883.

"The next day I went to the convent, and told the story to my aunt, the abbess, who listened to me kindly and said it was to be hoped that I should fall in love with him and he with me, but that even if it were otherwise she was of opinion that the marriage would take place, as she had reasons for believing that the scheme came from the Princess of Brazil, who favoured Count Fl .

I have paid one st for the printed "Entry into Antwerp," telling how the King was received with a splendid triumph the gates very costly adorned and with plays, great joy, and graceful maidens whose like I have seldom seen. I changed one fl. for expenses. I saw at Antwerp the bones of the giant.

I hope soon to have the pleasure of being introduced to Mr Plumper's mother. I am sure I shall like her. Fl. By Jove! here come Mrs Plumper and the young uns. Now for it! Enter Mrs Plumper. Mrs Plumper. Why, Adolphus, where have you been? Excuse me, madam; I did not see that you were upon my husband's arm. Perhaps he'll have the goodness to present his wife to you. El. Mrs P. Yes, madam.

Also, "Attidiæ felicissimæ uxori rariosimæ Fl: Antoninus."

Mr Flamm, I think Mr Gresham said his name was. Enter Flamm. Flamm. Ah, Plumper, how are you, old man? I was looking for you everywhere. Why, what have you done with Mrs Plumper and the children? Ad. My mother and her little grandchildren, you mean. I was not aware that they were to come here to-day. Fl. Your mother! and grandchildren! Oh fie! sly dog! A jolly row there'll be! El.

All the minority were Belgians, only two Belgians voted with the majority. It is inconceivable how the government could have been so impolitic as to impose these taxes in face of such a display of national animosity. The mouture only produced a revenue of 5,500,000 fl.; the abbatage 2,500,000 fl.

Curtis's Fl. Lond. fasc. 2. Plantae affines. All the Chenopodia grow with this plant wild, and are somewhat alike in appearance; but the Solanum may at all times be distinguished by its disagreeable strong scent.

If you'll have the kindness, Dr Plumper, to give me your address, and allow me to call upon you to-morrow, I think I shall be able to give both Mrs Plumper and yourself a complete explanation of what must appear most extraordinary conduct on my part. Re-enter Flamm. Fl. The cab is ready. Ad. SCENE VI. Lady Gules's Boudoir. Lord and Lady Gules Adolphus. Lord G. Ha, ha, ha!

Napoleon's demands upon Holland had always been met with the reply that the land's finances were unequal to the strain. The debt amounted to 40,000,000 fl.; and, despite heavy taxation, there was a large annual deficit in the budget. The emperor at once took action to remedy this state of things by a decree reducing the interest on the debt to one-third.