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Abbott; F. H. Bradley, Ethical Studies; F. Paulsen, System of Ethics, book II, chap, V, secs. 3 and 4; Dewey and Tufts, Ethics, chap, XVI, sec. 2; H. Spencer, Data of Ethics, chap, III, sees. 12, 13. W. Fite, Introductory Study of Ethics, chap. X. H. Rashdall, Theory of Good and Evil, book I, chap.

Brite and fair. it was the best fite i have seen since Cris Staples licked Charlie Clark you had aught to have seen it.

When it was done he gave a splendid fite, to which he invited the officers of the English garrisons on the opposite coast, deputing me to receive them.

June 12. brite and fair. Beany has a auful sore arm. he dont dass to rassle or fite or do ennything. June 13. brite and fair. Pewt has got one two. tomorrow nite the doctor is coming.

Weve jest had an awful big fite, and the way we warmed it to the secshers jest beat the jews. i doant expect theyve stopt runnin yit. All the Sardis boys done bully except Lieutenant Harry Glen. The smell of burnt powder seamed to onsettle his narves.

April 22. i went out today. it was real warm. i dident go to church becaus i had been sick. i let my rooster out to fite J. Albert Clark's. they were fiting good when i looked up and there was father looking over the fence. he made me stop the fite and shet my rooster up. i wonder if he wood have stoped them if i hadent been there. i got 2 eggs today, the old brama that i swaped for with Ed Tole and a bolten gray that John Adams give me.

"Thet's ther feller. Look er here," continued the sallow man, "he tole we uns up there thet ef we cum an he'p ter make Wilminton er white man's town, we ware ter jes move inter ther Niggers' houses an own em; thet's what brung me here ter jine in this here fite."

December 2. rany. i forgot to say it raned yesterday too. i got cold and have a red rag round my gozzle. December 2. pretty near had a fite in schol today. Skinny Bruce and Frank Elliot got rite up with there fists up when the bell rung. it was two bad, it wood have been a buly fite. i bet on Skinny. December 3, 186- brite and fair. went to church today.

Brite and fair. we cant have enny more fites. at recess today Plug and Diddly had the best fite i ever saw. they fit all recess and none of us heard the bell and Plug had Diddly down and we were all hollering, paist him Plug and hit him Diddly when old Francis came round the corner and grabed Plug and Diddly. i tell you we all went into school lively and old Francis made Plug and Diddly stand on the platform all the rest of the day with their arms round each others necks and we dident have enny recess in the afternoon. it is pretty tuf. we cant play one old cat becaus old Polly Smith makes a fuss when the ball goes over her fence and we cant play football becaus Scotty broke his arm and Whack got stunted, and we cant fite becaus it is rong to fite. we might jest as well be girls and roll hoop.

You rich white uns, thets who;" "But we'll do it no longer," said a voice from the audience. "We uns hepped yer ter fite yer battles," continued Teck, "an when thet war was ended, we did'n git ther nigger an mule yer promised, but we uns did' n kick powerful hard agin yer bekase yer did'n hev em ter giv us."