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"Looks like she's got so many businesses she might buy herself a dress," suggested one. "Not her. She's saving every cent to put guano on the land." "Well, beauty unadorned is adorned the most," mused Major Fitch. "Say, I got a idee," put in Pete Barnes. "Go to it, Pete! Your idees are something worth while here lately. What is it?"

Regular gimlet eyes, too, and a very fitch for sharpness, though younger than his appearance might make you fancy," said the miller. "Then I'll pay him a visit and see how things stand," declared John. "Not that I'd employ any but my own London lawyer, of course," he added, "but this old chap can give me the information I require; no doubt."

On the veranda of his Waupegan cottage Bassett and Fitch enjoyed the wholesome airs of the country. Late in the afternoon the fussy little steamer that traversed the lake paused at the Bassett dock to deliver a telegram, which Bassett read without emotion. He passed the yellow slip of paper to Fitch, who read it and handed it back.

Then, when Tom had greeted Bruce, the Senior who owed so much to him a Senior who had returned for a post-graduate course our hero spied some others of his chums on the train. "Jack! Jack Fitch!" he yelled. "Hello, Bert Bert Wilson! I've been waiting for you!" "There he is! There's Tom!" yelled Jack, hauling in the head of his chum Bert from one window, only to poke his own cranium out of another.

In 1787 John Fitch, who was a native of Connecticut, but who lived at that time in Trenton, N.J., where he had been a clock maker and manufacturer of arms, constructed a boat which was moved through the water by means of a steam engine on board. He had long been working on this invention, making experiments, and endeavoring to obtain assistance from people with money.

"Not but what my man's good enough, but he don't seem to get along, somehow. The farm's wore out, and the mortgage comes around so regular." "Where do you live?" asked Victoria, suddenly growing serious. "Fitch's place. 'Tain't very far from the Four Corners, on the Avalon road." "And you are Mrs. Fitch?" "Callate to be," said the mother. "If it ain't askin' too much, I'd like to know your name."

Then he ran a few steps towards them, and stopped, his ears pricked and his eyes fixed on the tree; barked sharply, drew back a pace or two, bristled up the hair on his neck, and growled. Red Mick turned round; "'Ello, pup," he drawled, "what's up?" The puppy came forward again, quite close to the tree this time, and barked sharply. "Good pup," said Mick, "fitch him out, pup!

The following articles however, are of a different description, consisting of several letters from John Newbery and Ralph Fitch to different friends in England; and of an extract from the work of John Huighen Van Linschoten, who was in Goa in December 1583, upon their arrival at that emporium of the Portuguese trade in India, affording a full confirmation of the authenticity of the expedition thus far.

For all they knew, Montcalm's whole army was upon them. Nothing prevented a panic but the steadiness of the rangers, who maintained the fight alone till the rest came back to their senses. Rogers, with his reconnoitring party, and the regiments of Fitch and Lyman, were at no great distance in front. They all turned on hearing the musketry, and thus the French were caught between two fires.

'T any rate, 'f he don't know nothin' yet, Heaven help Amelia Fitch 'n' me, f'r he'll take us both in." "Who was you thinkin' o' " Mrs. Lathrop asked, resuming her former occupation. "The minister," replied Miss Clegg. "I did n't stop to consider very much, but it struck me 's polite to begin with him.