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Beachharbour was a fishing-village on the north-western coast, which, within the previous decade, had sprung into importance, on the one hand as a fashionable resort, on the other as a minor port for colliers.

He was anxious about what she would do when she should know the truth. "Börje," she said at last, when they had followed the shelving, sandy hillocks for a long while, "where are we going?" He lifted his band and pointed towards the fishing-village, where his mother lived in the house on the sand-hill.

Cæsarea seemed quite busy by contrast, when we arrived in the cool of evening, though it is only a tiny fishing-village whose tumbledown mud-huts are completely overshadowed by the great masses of ruins with which the rocks are covered.

On approaching the island from the west, by aid of the imagination one can discern the colossal figure of a horseman wrapped in his cloak and mounted upon a charger. The island forms a well-known landmark for seamen navigating the coast. It is believed that the summit has never been reached by human feet. We touch on our way at the little fishing-village of Bodöe.

Old Mattsson then asked his mother's portrait to consider what kind of a community it was they lived in. All the hundred houses of the fishing-village had pointed roofs and whitewashed walls; all the boats of the fishing-village were of the same build and rig. No one there ever did anything unusual. His mother would have been the first to oppose such a marriage if she had been alive.

"You must take it when I am dead, just as you must take everything of mine," he said. "Do not speak of such things." "And you must listen to my mother's portrait when the young men propose to you. Truly there is no one in the whole fishing-village who understands getting married better than that picture." Mine was the kingdom of fancy, now I am a fallen king.

That's enough!" and would thank him in a voice of emotion; while the school committee and the parents would whisper together in awed admiration. And then would be the time to resign! The school lay on the outskirts of the fishing-village, and the playground was the shore.

The answers informed me that Crickgelly was a little fishing-village, and that there was no coach direct to it, but that two coaches running to two small Welsh towns situated at nearly equal distances from my destination, on either side of it, would pass through Shrewsbury the next morning.

The farmers drove to the town or the fishing-village with their largest wagons, and the herring-man worked his way up through the country from cottage to cottage with his horse, which was such a wretched animal that any one would have been legally justified in putting a bullet through its head.

On the morrow, Sunday, they walked together as they had used to do in the first spring after their marriage; along the grassy cliffs, then down to the nook where the sand is full of tiny shells, and round the little headland into the next bay, where the quaint old fishing-village stands upon the edge of the tide.