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Every sort of craft motor-boat, gig, lugger and steamboat makes for sea, higgledy-piggledy in a long line, an irregular procession of black and blue and green and white and brown. Here, as in the men's clothes, the paint-pots have been spilled. There is nothing more sociable than a fishing-fleet. The boats overtake each other, like horses in a race. They gallop in rivalry.

Led by the admiral, the Windhover with the rest of the fleet lowered her trawl, and went dipping slowly and quietly over the hills, towing her sunken net. The admiral of a fishing-fleet is a great man. All is in his hands. He chooses the grounds. Our admiral, it was whispered to me, was the wizard of the north. The abundant fish-pastures were revealed to him in his dreams.

Far in the quiet offing the lights of a fishing-fleet twinkled like a line of jewels through the haze. "Half-way down the beach I turned for a backward look at the village. "Now the wall by the lifeboat house looks on the Cove. Its front is turned from the village and the village street, and can only be seen from the beach.

"It would take more 'n this to keel me over," he said, ignorant that he was lighting that terrible article, a Wheeling "stogie". "Dot we shall bresently see," said the German. "Where are we now, Mr. Mactonal'?" "Just there or thereabouts, Mr. Schaefer," said the engineer. "We'll be on the Grand Bank to-night; but in a general way o' speakin', we're all among the fishing-fleet now.

You cannot by any possibility be suggesting that Germany might associate herself with you in your resistance to possible English demands?" The Russian leaned back in his chair. "Germany is on the spot," he remarked, "and knows the fact of the case. She has proofs of the presence of Japanese torpedo-boats amongst the English fishing-fleet.

Steering for Harwich after we had left the fleet, we passed, at a distance, the handsome town of Lowestoft, from which a considerable fishing-fleet sails, and then Aldborough, an ancient seaport, with a number of new houses near it. When off Orford, on the Suffolk coast, papa told us that we were crossing the submarine telegraph line which runs from thence to the Hague.

Spywell informed her circle of stereotypes that Lucille was a stupid chit without a word to say for herself, and an artful designing hussy who was probably an adventuress of the "fishing-fleet". To Auntie Yvette it appeared matter of marvel that earth and sky and sea were much as when she last passed that way.

It was a deliberately and skilfully arranged casus belli, although your admiral, Prince Korndoff, had to go one hundred miles out of his way to find the Dogger Bank fishing-fleet. You spoke to me last night of Cherbourg, Prince. I think that after all your secret service is scarcely so successful as mine, for I can assure you that you will find there all that is to be found to-day at Kiel."

You have read accounts of a Russian attack upon an English fishing-fleet, but you have not yet been informed of the presence the undoubted presence of Japanese torpedo-boats concealed amongst them." Monsieur Grisson raised his eyebrows. "Indeed no!" he answered. "We have not even heard a rumor of anything of the sort." "Nevertheless, their presence was indubitable," the Prince declared.

The fishing done here, both professionally and as a sport, is fairly considerable; the Looe fishing-fleet often goes as far afield as the shores of Ireland, but when at home the men hang about the quay in the usual fashion of their kind, getting an occasional job with visitors, but more often enjoying that dreamy laziness for which they appear supremely qualified.