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How should you like to be that gudgeon with a hook in your mouth, or the pike when he's caught?" "Sarve him right for killing all the little fishes," growled Dave, punting gently along. "Why did you come fishing?" said Dick sharply. "'Cause I like it," said Tom frankly; "but it's cruel all the same. Oh, look! Look!"

Yet scarcely anything that Blaine said still lives, while some of Cleveland's phrases have passed into the language of every-day. No less a contrast existed between Blaine and Cleveland as political characters. The former's experience in the machinery of politics, in the disposal of its loaves and fishes, has already been mentioned. Of that part of politics, Cleveland had had no experience.

And Peter, first to obey, drew the net to land full of great fishes one hundred and fifty-three and the net was not broken. While they were silent for joy and wonder, knowing that it was the Lord, and yet not daring to question Him, He said, "Come and dine." And there upon the sands the Lord for the third time since He rose from the dead, broke bread with his disciples.

The seekers after the loaves and the fishes, demanding to be fed and clothed without their own work the seekers after miracles, demanding fresh wonder-workings have ever been the bane of the great Teachers of the Truth. It is a hard and bitter truth, but all teachers and true lovers of the Truth must learn to meet and understand it.

Guided by his knowledge of the haunts and habits of fishes, he and his brother Auguste became the most adroit of young fishermen, using processes all their own and quite independent of hook, line, or net. Their hunting grounds were the holes and crevices beneath the stones or in the water-washed walls of the lake shore.

But you have to thank our kind friends, the mate and his crew, as much as me, or we should have been pretty sure to have been both of us food for the fishes by this time." And so it was that the cabin-boy's attachment to Frank Oldfield became a passion a love which many waters could not quench a love that was wonderful, passing the love of women. Each day increased it.

Not only on account of their peculiar structure were the fishes of the Old Red interesting to Agassiz, but also because, with this fauna, the vertebrate type took its place for the first time in what were then supposed to be the most ancient fossiliferous beds. When Agassiz first began his researches on fossil fishes, no vertebrate form had been discovered below the coal.

When the servants removed the sar-poshes, fishes and soup of every sort were presented to view: some of the former, I was told, brought as rarities from distant seas, and at great expense. Before every man of rank there was an immense dish, which it is his duty to cut up and distribute, putting on each plate about sufficient for a baby to eat.

It is true, as you suppose, that the death of M. Cuvier has sensibly changed my position; indeed, I have already been asked to continue his work on fishes in connection with M. Valenciennes, who made me this proposition the day after your letter reached me.

We may observe, also, that many of the cures which Christ wrought, such as that of a person blind from his birth; also many miracles besides cures, as raising the dead, walking upon the sea, feeding a great multitude with a few loaves and fishes, are of a nature which does not in anywise admit of the supposition of a fortunate experiment.