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His movements are easy, agile and athletic; his manner is courtly, graceful and pleasing; his voice, whilst deep and firm, is soft and agreeable; his face inspires instant confidence. He has large lustrous eyes which seem to corroborate and confirm every word that falls from his lips.

"We'll make a short cut." Whiteside had stopped to speak to a policeman. "Where's the fire, constable?" he asked. "St. Mary Axe, sir," was the policeman's reply. "A big firm of chartered accountants Dashwood and Solomon. You know them, sir? I'm told the place is blazing from cellar to garret." Tarling showed his teeth in an unamused grin as the words came to him.

But the cabman objected to this proposition, and said they were now not far from the place they were in search of, and he would go on till they reached it. Patty expostulated, but the cabman was firm in his decision. He was not impertinent, but he seemed to think that the young ladies were too easily discouraged, and assured them they would soon reach their destination.

They remained standing; eye on eye and her firm hands still clasping his arm. "You will promise me?" He reflected a moment and then gave her his promise. "On this condition, that if he speaks of it again, to my knowledge, to anyone, anywhere, I must then confront him and prove it a lie on your own showing."

It was nectar when we came to taste it It was of the kingliest, the most imperial. Paul filled the priest's glass again and replenished his own, but the old man rose laughingly from the table. 'I am something of a poet, he said, 'in my imaginations, but I do not carry my fancies into practice. No more wine to-night. Paul pressed him, but the old gentleman was firm.

There is nothing in the past history of the country, nothing in the present state of the nation, which can account for it. We must look elsewhere for a solution; and we do not hesitate to avow our firm conviction, that a special Providence has shielded the Constitution of Piedmont, because with that Constitution is bound up the liberties of the ancient martyr Church of the Vaudois.

He and Bulstrode rode back to Middlemarch together, talking of many things chiefly cholera and the chances of the Reform Bill in the House of Lords, and the firm resolve of the political Unions.

Winnie and Nellie, firm friends still in spite of all restraints, consulted together, and spoke of the utter uselessness of their most strenuous endeavours. "We've no chance against Ada," they said disconsolately, "but like the others we'll have to attempt something." "What will you try, Winnie?" inquired Nellie. "I think I'll tackle 'the French Revolution."

On going upstairs, she kissed them all as usual, but they then discovered, for the first time, in all its bitterness, what a dark and melancholy enjoyment it is to kiss the lips of a maniac, who has loved us, and whom we still must love. "Jane," said William, struggling to be firm, "kiss me, too, before you go." "Come to me, William," said she, "for I am not able to go to you.

But such is the uncertainty and precarious state of all speculative concerns of this nature, and such the inconstancy of friendship, that, instead of ever receiving one shilling from this concern, I found it still continue to be a drain upon my purse. Bills were coming due, I was told, and they must be provided for, or the credit of the firm would be blasted.