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You wouldn't mind, I daresay, being my agent for Dunfield for the fire-escape, you know? I'll communicate with you, don't fear. A hot meal in the middle of the day was a luxury long unknown to Hood. Now and again the thought of what he was doing flashed across him, but mere bodily solace made his conscience dull. As the meal proceeded he even began to justify himself.

"In two minutes," he whispered, "I'll unlock your door. There's a ladder outside your room to the roof. Once we get to the roof the rest's easy. Should anything go wrong, I'll come back by this fire-escape. Wait at the window until you see your door open. Do you understand?" The girl answered with an eager nod. The color had flown to her cheek. Her eyes flashed in excitement.

"I faked that," broke in Rochester, before the clerk could make a disclaimer. "I thought it best to disappear for a few days down in Virginia, where I could think things over in peace." "So it was you, Sylvester, and not Mr. Rochester whom I encountered in his apartment," exclaimed Kent. "How did you get in the apartment?" "From the fire-escape and along the window ledge to the bathroom window."

They may simply have been there ethnologically, but this was a good object, and the sight of their spiritual misery was alone worth the price of admission. "After the inventor of the perpetual motion had brought his harangue to a close, we all went round to the dais where a lady in blue spectacles lectured us upon a fire-escape which she had invented, and operated a small model of it.

Sometimes he has followed a fire-engine and helped people from a fire-escape, or he has pulled the shield off a policeman, or at the bar of the Hotel Knickerbocker has made friends with a stranger, who turns out to be no less than a nobleman or an actor. And women, especially beautiful women, are always pursuing Kinney in taxicabs and calling upon him for assistance.

It was not the gentle signal of the tick-tack no, indeed! "Will you hear that?" gasped Belle Tingley. "Miss Picolet's up." "No!" cried Ruth, from the other end of the room. "Open that window, Ann! It's Roberto. He's climbed the fire-escape." "My goodness me!" gasped The Fox. "I never was so glad to see a boy in all my life! Let him in do!" No sooner said than done.

During his weeks of freedom Larry had unconsciously studied the layout of the neighborhood, his old instincts at work. The subconscious knowledge thus gained was of instant value. He hurried along the slippery roofs, taking care not to trip over the dividing walls, and came to the rear edge of a roof where he had marked a fire-escape with an unusually broad upper landing.

I had been assured that the place was reputable. I moved down there in a taxicab one rainy Saturday afternoon. Lucy had sent me my trunk, and I had to convey it somehow. I didn't sleep at all the first night. There was a fire-escape immediately outside my open window, and there was not a sign of a lock on the door.

It hadn't been his job, damn it, it hadn't been his job at all. It was now, though, with Ted perfectly helpless on the fire-escape where any crazy person could take pot-shots at him as if he were a plaster pipe in a shooting gallery.

The theater was their destination, but they first loitered up Broadway, shamelessly stopping to stare at shop windows, pretending to be Joe the shoe-clerk and Becky the cashier furnishing a Bronx flat. Whether it was anything but a game to Ruth will never be known; but to Carl there was a hidden high excitement in planning a flower-box for the fire-escape.