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He'd taken a long chance swung himself from the window-ledge to a fire-escape five feet away don't ask me how he did it! I got to the window just in time to see him go over the back fence. You heard me take a shot at him? No?" "No, I didn't," said the woman in a manner eloquent of positive incredulity.

Ted was the devil and all to get out on the fire-escape and then you had to tie him so that he wouldn't roll off. He crawled back through the window, dusted his trousers, and settled his necktie as carefully as if he were going to be married. Married.

Mrs. Eustice never lets us go to town at night, and I'm sure Ada and Ruth had to go down the fire-escape. Goodness, didn't they take a chance of being discovered!" "Well, as I've already missed half an algebra recitation, and you know you have no business over here at this time of day, I move we begin our penance," suggested Bob.

Ives. There will be the declaration of the policeman who saw the German climb down the fire-escape and bolt into the room beneath." "And hang the expense!" I added inwardly, computing cable rates, but assuming a lordly indifference to them which only a multimillionaire could really feel. The Englishman and the captain consulted a moment.

She had taken the chair from the closet and was about to leave the room when she heard footsteps coming down the hallway, accompanied by a whistle which she promptly recognized. "Caught!" she exclaimed, and gave a hurried glance around her. To hide within the room was impossible, but the window was open and the iron fire-escape within easy reach.

The lower staircase was a stone one the worst of all stairs in a fire, owing to its liability to crack at its connection with the wall, from the combined influence of heat and cold water. Just as the two men reached the head of it, it fell, without warning, in a mass of ruins. "Never mind," said Baxmore, "the fire-escape is still at the window." So saying, he ran through the smoke and reached it.

When the fire burst through the library windows he shouted; when Sam Forest, the conductor of the fire-escape, saved Mr Auberly and the women, he hurrahed; when the tall fireman and Baxmore rescued Louisa Auberly he cheered and cheered again until his shrill voice rose high above the shouting of the crowd.

But there is another shout, another roar, and another engine follows the first; the firemen clinging to it are shouting all together a noise that sounds like 'Ah-h-h! ah-h-h! to warn other things to get out of their way. Soon a third comes, and then follows a great red ladder on wheels, pushed by men on foot that is a fire-escape.

"The monkey was led by means of a long, thin rope, attached to a sort of harness about his neck and shoulders. By going to the rear edge of the back building they could readily swing him over to the fire-escape, while by ascending to the top of the attic roof overlooking the court, they could in the same way enable him to reach the other window.

I don't want to get into no trouble." "Absolutely straight," said Orme. "All you have to do is to leave your window open and keep quiet." "You can count on me," she said. "Perhaps you know all about the place down there, but if you don't, I'll tell you that the fire-escape leads into his reception-room." Orme smiled. "You seem to be acquainted with your neighbor, after all."