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He said, "Asseyez vous un peu, mon enfant, en attendant que je finisse de ces papiers," and she sat for an hour reading letters from celebrities which he tossed to her among others, perhaps inadvertently, from Mme. de Staël, proving the good baron's admiration for Corinne to have been "warmer than friendship if colder than love." At a ball at Bonstetten's, as Mme.

As soon as you have any chance, write immediately, don't be lazy; or get hold of Grzymala, go and see, both of you, take et que cela finisse. I send you a plan of the arrangement of the apartments. If you find something like this, draw the plan, or take it at once, which will be better than letting it slip out of your hands. Mr. Mardelle is a decent man, and no fool, he was not always a portier.

"We don't want war mais it faut que cela finisse!" "This kind of thing has got to stop": that was the only phase one heard. If diplomacy could still arrest the war, so much the better: no one in France wanted it. All who spent the first days of August in Paris will testify to the agreement of feeling on that point. But if war had to come, the country, and every heart in it, was ready.

He took the stool in leap-frog fashion, and struck a droll simultaneous discord. "Come on. Well, then, catch me on the chorus!" "Pour qu' j' finisse Mon service Au Tonkin je suis parti!" To a discreet set of verses, he rattled a bravado accompaniment. Presently Chantel moved to his side, and, with the same spirit, swung into the chorus.

Can we stop? It's impossible. We must go on till we've thrown them out. It is dreadful, but what would you have? Ah! Our son he was so promising!" And the mother, weeping over the tin-tacks, would make the neatest little parcel of them, murmuring out of her tears: "Il faut que ça finisse; mais la France il ne faut pas que la France Nos chers fils auraient été tués pour rien!" Poor souls!

"Au reste il est temps pour la santé de la Reine que le carnaval finisse. On remarque qu'elle s'en altère, et que sa Majesté maigrit beaucoup." Marie Thérèse