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Bending over the ropes, George spoke between his teeth to me: "It may be a night's job on 't, findin' of the body." "The WHAT?" The poor little sparrow dropped from Dr. Sharpe's hand. He took a step backward, scanned our faces, sat down dizzily, and fell over upon the sand. He is a man of good nerves and great self-possession, but he fell like a woman, and lay like the dead.

I ain't never been 'customed all my life to bein' shut up, and it comes purty hard, not bein' so young as I was. I ain't findin' no fault, but it don't seem to me I ever done anythin' to deserve all that's come to me lately.

He'll get tired av findin' our kit foul an' our 'coutrements onproperly kep'. "'We will not let him go, sez they. "'Thin take him, sez I, 'an' a dashed poor yield you will get for your throuble. "'Is he not misconductin' himself wid Slimmy's wife? sez another. "'She's common to the rig'mint, sez I. 'Fwhat has made ye this partic'lar on a suddint?

'E was a magic man, 'e was. At least, 'e was mostly magic, but some of 'im was nothin' but a fool when all's said an' done like any other man. I couldn't 'ave done with an all-magic bloke. Ow, 'e was a fool.... All the things 'e might 'ave bin able to do, like polishin' 'is equipment, or findin' 'is clean socks, 'e use to forever be askin' me to do. I loved doin' it.

Well, I knocks away at the front door, till I thought I'd a-split it in; but arter a-rappin' awhile to no purpose, and findin' no one come, I gropes my way round to the back door, and opens it, and feelin' all along the partition for the latch of the keepin' room, without finding it, I knocks agin, when some one from inside calls out 'Walk! Thinks I, I don't cleverly know whether that indicates 'walk in, or 'walk out, it's plaguy short metre, that's a fact; but I'll see anyhow.

According to the best authorities, you may count on findin' oxygen, nitrogen, and carbonic-acid gases in it not to mention foreign substances at times, such as dust leaves, bits of old newspaper and the like, except at sea, where it is always pure and good." "But with plenty of salt in it," interposed Miss Millet, "though not enough to cure you of bad habits, brother.

"Ah swear, Pink," broke out Yarebrough, in puzzled indecision, "Ah swear Ah donno's Ah like this business." Pressley sneered. "Don' talk so loud. Yo' rather late findin' hit out." "No, Ah ain'. Ah ain' never been sho'." "Sho' 'bout what?" "Oh, Ah donno. Kin' o' hard to say. You-all don' think we'll get caught?" "Not 'f you keep that big mouth o' yo's shut." "Mr. Baron did." "Mr. Baron's a fool.

I don't say she's an angel, but she's a good woman, and that's as fur as we're likely to get in this world. "But that ain't what I wanted to say to you, May! Somehow or 'nother, the story's got round about your findin' that pin yesterday. You didn't say nothin'?" "Not a word!" said Mary. "How could it " "'Twas that pison Hitchcock, I expect!" said Gregory.

"House! Fire! Food! Stable! What do you mean?" "Jest what I say. These are my friends, Thomas Boyd and William Clarke, young William. Boys, this is Stephen Brady, who has been a fur hunter all his life but who hasn't been findin' much o' late. Come on, Steve."

The more I thinks of it, the cheaper I feels. Here I'd been playin' myself for Mr. Foxy Cute, and had let an old lemon squeezer like Aunt Laura wring me dry! Just what she's got up her sleeve about the penitentiary business, I didn't know; but I wa'n't long in findin' out. Next day there was all kinds of a row.