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Strong and malevolent, they triumph in their work of torture, with a gloomy malignancy very different from the trifling malice of the fiends he painted at Monte Oliveto. Above stand the three Archangels, in armour, with half-drawn swords, menacing those who try to fly upward instead of toward the flames of Hell.

He trailed that wagon-train to the next camp, where on the busy road he lost the wheel-tracks. Next day he rode horseback all the way in to Benton. But all his hunting and questioning availed nothing. Gloom, heartsickness, and despair surged in upon him, but he did not think of giving up. He remembered all Allie had told him. Those fiends had gotten her again.

The blasting fiery tempest had laid low nearly the whole mass, like a maize plant before a hurricane; and such a cry arose, as if "Men fought on earth, and fiends in upper air."

Immediately upon the crash of the volley came cries and screams from the terrified populace, bearing eloquent witness to the execution wrought by the flying bullets. Then, picking up their weapons, the English flew like fiends through the town, cutting down all who had the temerity to oppose them. The cathedral was soon reached, and they entered it.

To awake and find life has been one grand error, to awake and know that youth and early manhood are gone, and that you have been cheated of your honest and legitimate enjoyments, to feel that Pleasure might have wooed you gracefully when young, and when it would become you to sacrifice at her shrine, gods and fiends! I gnashed my teeth in impotent rage, I blasphemed, I was mad!

I was more frightened than angry; with him rage and disgust were paramount. "Boys," he said. "How air ye makin' it?" Ajax answered him quite coolly "What do you want? Our money of course. What else?" The fellow did not reply at once. These opium fiends have no bowels of compassion. He was doubtless chuckling to himself at his own guile.

Visions of eternal torment rose in her mind, a tangible searing hell alive with flame and devils, a sea of liquid fire, an ocean of boiling pitch, Satan commanding in the midst, and a myriad of fiends working his tormenting will. Her pale lips curled scornfully in the dark. Those were not the terrors that frightened her, nor the horrors from which she shrank.

Things went on quietly for another five minutes, then I heard a heavy blow given, followed by a fall; and, as if this was the signal, the quiet crowd of natives became in a moment a mob of yelling fiends; screams filled the air, pistol-shots rang out, and you may guess we fell to work in earnest.

One knows too the old legends, how Herodias' daughter reappears in South Europe even in old German legends as the witch-goddess, fair and ruinous, sweeping for ever through wood and wold at night with her troop of fiends, tempting the traveller to dance with them till he dies; a name for ever accursed through its own vanity rather than its own deliberate sin, from which may God preserve us all, men as well as women.

The South Sea Islanders are such incarnate fiends that they are the better of being tamed, and the missionaries are the only men who can do it." Our track after this lay through several clusters of small islets, among which we were becalmed more than once. Our precautions against the savages, I found, were indeed necessary.