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But I don't think I need trouble you about it further. Is it a cable?" He smiled so wickedly at this question that I saw he had penetrated my little fiction. However, I only said: "A letter, sir." "Well, gentlemen," said he to the others, "I think we may reassure Mr. Martin. Tell your directors this, Mr. Martin: The Government does not see any need of a public notification, and none will be made.

That Philip III. as the Spanish Government by a convenient fiction was always called was the head and front of the great Savoy-Biron conspiracy to take Henry's life and dismember his kingdom, was hardly a stage secret. Yet diplomatic relations were still preserved between the two countries, and wonderful diplomatic interviews had certainly been taking place in Paris.

Might it not be that we have to do here with something of which we might arrive at a true understanding merely by reading the text in the right way? In that case, we should perhaps no longer speak of "fiction." It must be admitted that the whole narrative of this event in St. John's Gospel is wrapped in a mysterious veil. To show this, we need only mention one point.

Mistakes of the kind have been made by others writers of fiction who have worked quickly. In the Comedy, the number of dramatis personae is exceedingly large. Balzac laughingly remarked one day that they needed a biographical dictionary to render their identity clear; and he added that perhaps somebody would be tempted to do the work at a later date. He guessed rightly. In 1893, Messrs.

"It was kind of you to think of me," says Fabian, coldly; "too kind. But there are some matters of importance I must get through to-night, and I fear I shall not have time for fiction." She takes up the book again, the little instrument that betrays his determination to accept no benefits at her hands, and moves toward the door.

"O Lady Honoria!" cried Cecilia, half laughing, "what wild inventions are these! and all I hope, your own?" "No, indeed, they were current over the whole town. But don't take any notice of what I told you about Euphrasia, for perhaps, it may never happen." "Perhaps," said Cecilia, reviving by believing it all fiction, "it has never been in agitation?"

A powerful consciousness of the universal validity and the solid permanency of their own manner of being, an undoubting conviction that it has always so been and will ever continue so to be in the world these feelings of our ancestors were symptoms of a fresh fulness of life; they were the marrow of action in reality as well as in fiction.

He died on the 5th of April, 1730. The Life of ABRAHAM ISRAEL, a Jew As it is a very ordinary case for fiction to be imposed on the world for truth, so it sometimes happens that truth hath such extraordinary circumstances attending it, as well nigh bring it to pass for fiction.

The great master of English fiction, writing of this scene at Annapolis, says: "Which was the most splendid spectacle ever witnessed the opening feast of Prince George in London, or the resignation of Washington?

Edgar Allan Poe is indubitably one of the great masters of the art of fiction; but there is nothing in any of his stories to indicate that he was born in Boston, lived in Richmond, Philadelphia, and New York, and died in Baltimore.