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Splint-pressure sores are usually situated over bony prominences, such as the malleoli, the condyles of the femur or humerus, the head of the fibula, the dorsum of the foot, or the base of the fifth metatarsal bone. On removing the splint, the skin of the part pressed upon is found to be of a red or pink colour, with a pale grey patch in the centre, which eventually sloughs and leaves an ulcer.

The fibula appears to be in the same condition as in the horse. The teeth of the Hipparion are essentially similar to those of the horse, but the pattern of the grinders is in some respects a little more complex, and there is a depression on the face of the skull in front of the orbit, which is not seen in existing horses.

The femur is more like that of the Paloeotheria than that of the horse, and has only a small depression above its outer condyle in the place of the great fossa which is so obvious in the Equidoe. The fibula is distinct, but very slender, and its distal end is ankylosed with the tibia. There are three toes on the hind foot having similar proportions to those on the fore foot.

"Well then," said the Corinthian, and sighing again he read aloud; 'Sweet is the lot of the couple whom love has united; But gold is a debt, and needs must at once be restored. "There, that is the dose. But doves are not human creatures, and I know at once what my answer shall be. Give me the fibula, Publius, that clasps that cloak in which you look like one of your own messengers.

In some places, these martyrs fasten their fibula with a lock, the key which they deposit with the magistrate of the town or village.

The root marginal piece would become the humerus or femur, as the case might be: the second marginal piece, with the piece attached to the inner side of the distal end of the root marginal piece, would together form either the radius and ulna or the tibia and fibula, and so on. But the particular view advocated by the learned Professor is open to criticism.

This rotation is seen while the arm is being raised from the horizontal to the vertical position, and is effected by the cooperation of the trapezius with the serratus magnus muscles. The patella, or knee-pan, the two condyles of the tibia, the tubercle on the tibia for the attachment of the ligament of the patella, and the head of the fibula are the chief bony landmarks of the knee.

While these changes were in progress the radius and ulna of the fore limb became consolidated to a single bone; and in the hind limb the fibula dwindled to a splint, while the tibia was correspondingly enlarged.

After all, what do you know of what I may possess?" "We have nothing, so I cannot know of it," cried the girl beside herself. "Indeed!" drawled Keraunus with an embarrassed smile. "And is that nothing which lies in the cup board there, and stands on the cornice shelf? For your sakes I will part with these the onyx fibula, the rings, the golden chaplet, and the girdle of course."

I afterwards saw her at the theatre, where she was cheered enthusiastically. Her dress was different from the former occasion, but not less original. A red Celtic cloak, fastened by a rich gold fibula, or Irish Tara brooch, imparted to her little ladyship a gorgeous and withal a picturesque appearance, which antecedent associations considerably strengthened.