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Answer him thus, and say, I am glad you told me, for this will make me trust the more to Christ's prayers, and the less to my own; also I will endeavour henceforth to groan, to sigh, and to be so fervent in my crying at the Throne of Grace, that I will, if I can, make the heavens rattle again with the mighty groans thereof.

We all write verses at some moment or other in our lives, even the most prosaic amongst us some because they are happy; some because they are sad; some because the living fire of youth impels them, and they must be up and doing, let the work be what it may. "Many fervent souls, Strike rhyme on rhyme, who would strike steel on steel, If steel had offer'd." Was this case mine?

Henceforth I had a Christian brother in my little dumb charge: his love to Jesus Christ was fervent and full; his thoughts about him most beautiful. By degrees, I gave him some knowledge of our Lord's mortal birth, his infancy, work, death, resurrection, and ascension; together with his coming to final judgment at the end of the world. *

He may have been filled with fervent belief, rejecting any interpretation except the religious one, or he may have produced the suggestion of belief almost with the intentions of a physician who simply relies on the physiological effects of any suggestion; and between these two extremes any number of steps is possible.

He was quick to obey and her kisses were as fervent as his. "See me to my door and go quickly," she murmured. "To-morrow, dear love, we shall meet each other again," was his reply. "Why yes yes." "Many times more." She nodded. Something seemed to choke her utterance. One more kiss and she vanished into the house.

For to this end was the gospel preached to those that are dead, that they might be judged indeed in the flesh according to the will of men, but live in spirit according to the will of God. But the end of all things is near: be ye therefore sober-minded, and vigilant in prayers. But above all things have fervent love towards each other: for love will conceal a multitude of faults.

His addresses were so fervent that they acted at times like an electric shock. Some would drop down as if thunderstruck, others would cry aloud, whilst others again would have convulsions. People did not understand such a state of things.

The Church had proved as maternal as the mother. Without being over-pious or ridiculous, the idolized young lad was a fervent Catholic. For this son, so noble, so innocent, the baroness desired to provide a happy life in obscurity. She expected to inherit some property, two or three thousand pounds sterling, from an aunt.

Her happiness was my only thought; it will always be the object of my fervent wishes. Lament not my destiny: if I have consented to survive myself, it was because I might contribute to your glory. Adieu, my children! I would I could press you all to my heart; but I will, at least, press your eagle!"

He might pretend to laugh at it, and repeat to himself that his Egeria had been but a very superficial person, fervent in the reading of the daily novel and possibly not even worldly wise; he did not miss her any the less for that.