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The Dead Man raised his iron hand as if to dash out her brains for her temerity. But he checked himself, and surveyed her with a sort of calm ferocity, as he said 'Young lady, since you are determined to oppose my wishes, I will not force you. Neither will I kill you; yet my vengeance shall be more terrible than death.

One, the tale assumes, had a finely organised brain, the other brute force and insensibility. Which is the nearer approach to an ideal of noble manhood? Wagner's Siegfried answers, brute ferocity. Judged by his own standard how would Wagner himself stand? as splendidly organised a brain as that possessed by any man born into the nineteenth or any other century?

Where confirmed habits and immemorial custom is to be supplanted, it is certainly requisite to be well acquainted with the nature and character of the natives, which I have not here introduced in an exaggerated shape, but infinitely within the bounds of their savage ferocity.

Both Nana Sahib and the Dewan were pleased over what they deemed her sensible acquiescence in the scheme. As has been said, the Dewan, recognising the debased ferocity of Hunsa, had promised him the torture when he returned if Bootea had any cause of complaint.

La knew only too well the insane ferocity of a bull elephant in MUST. She knew that Tarzan had not exaggerated. She knew that the devil in the cunning, cruel brain of the great beast might send it hither and thither hunting through the forest for those who escaped its first charge, or the beast might pass on without returning no one might guess which.

There was superb courage in the scornful ferocity with which she retorted. "Happened! And I suppose you happened to notice that the brand on the cow is a Bar Double G, while that on the calf is different." "No, I haven't noticed that." "Plenty of time to see it yet." Then, with a swift blaze of feeling, "What's the use of pretending? I know what you think." "Then you know more than I do.

Orange and Count Louis in France Peace with the Huguenots Coligny's memoir, presented by request to Charles IX., on the subject of invading the Netherlands Secret correspondence of Orange organized by Paul Buys Privateering commissions issued by the Prince Regulations prescribed by him for the fleets thus created Impoverished condition of the Prince His fortitude His personal sacrifices and privations His generosity Renewed contest between the Duke and the Estates on the subject of the tenth and twentieth pence Violent disputes in the council Firm opposition of Viglius Edict commanding the immediate collection of the tax Popular tumults Viglius denounced by Alva The Duke's fierce complaints to the King Secret schemes of Philip against Queen Elizabeth of England The Ridolphi plot to murder Elizabeth countenanced by Philip and Pius V. The King's orders to Alva to further the plan The Duke's remonstrances Explosion of the plot Obstinacy of Philip Renewed complaints of Alva as to the imprudent service required of him Other attempts of Philip to murder Elizabeth Don John of Austria in the Levant Battle of Lepanto Slothfulness of Selim Appointment of Medina Celi Incessant wrangling in Brussels upon the tax Persevering efforts of Orange Contempt of Alva for the Prince Proposed sentence of ignominy against his name Sonoy's mission to Germany Remarkable papers issued by the Prince The "harangue" Intense hatred for Alva entertained by the highest as well as lower orders Visit of Francis de Alva to Brussels His unfavourable report to the King Querulous language of the Duke Deputation to Spain Universal revolt against the tax Ferocity of Alva Execution of eighteen tradesmen secretly ordered Interrupted by the capture of Brill Beggars of the sea The younger Wild Boar of Ardennes Reconciliation between the English government and that of Alva The Netherland privateersmen ordered out of English ports De la Marck's fleet before Brill The town summoned to surrender Commissioners sent out to the fleet Flight of the magistrates and townspeople Capture of the place Indignation of Alva Popular exultation in Brussels Puns and Caricatures Bossu ordered to recover the town of Brill His defeat His perfidious entrance into Rotterdam Massacre in that city Flushing revolutionized Unsuccessful attempt of Governor de Bourgogne to recal the citizens to their obedience Expedition under Treslong from Brill to assist the town of Flushing Murder of Paccheco by the Patriots Zeraerts appointed Governor of Walcheren by Orange.

The pistol had been bought and prepared for the purpose with the utmost nicety, not only for use but show; nor is it unfrequent to find in such instances of premeditated ferocity in design a fearful kind of coxcombry lavished upon the means.

In the neighbourhood of this headland I was induced to enter a hut at a sheep-station, by seeing stuck round a fence a number of the heads of an animal called by the colonists a hyena, from the resemblance it bears in shape and colour, though not in ferocity, to that beast.

"Say, it's after eleven!" exclaimed Tom. "We'd better hurry!" Suddenly, as if a rocket cruiser were blasting off in the corridors, a roar, deafening and powerful, filled their ears. And beneath its ferocity there were four unmistakable words: "Polaris unit staaaaaaaannnnnndddddd toooooo!" Every muscle, every bone in their three bodies snapped to rigid attention simultaneously.