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You mean if we show the white feather these fellows'll come and pluck us." "Something of the kind, Bob. There, go on bathing your head and keep friendly with Black Jack." "Right, sir. I see. Chuck dust in their eyes?" "Exactly." "Here goes, then, sir, and I'll begin with water and make out that I think it all a big lark."

"Yes, you know, quiet and and kind, and nice." "Yes," said Thomas, breaking in for the first time, "that's just it. They do look, sure enough, like my mother and yours. They have both got that look." "Git-ep!" said Billy Jack to his team. "These fellows'll be ketchin' something bad if we don't get into the open soon.

"That's where you fellows'll have to come right after breakfast, to be examined. Oh, but won't Old By put you through!" Dick Lee's mouth came open as he stared at the knob on the doctor's front door, and Dabney caught himself doubting if he knew the multiplication-table. Even Ford Foster wondered if there was really any thing he could teach Dr. Brandegee, and remarked to Frank Harley,

Only keep yer tongue between yer teeth. Be quiet and wait a bit till ye see what happens. "'But, said the objector, 'them Ulster fellows'll give us no peace. They have arms, and I'm towld they have a lot of sojers among them, and that they're drilled, and have officers, regular military officers. Sure, how would we do as we liked, wid an army of them fellows agin us?

"Mirabelle listen if they modify that ordinance so Sunday shows are legal again those other fellows'll want to buy back their contracts from Henry. There's only a few weeks but if Henry only raised a thousand dollars he'd be so close to his ten thousand " He reached for a glass of water and drank it, gulping.

"Even when it's the other way round it ain't always so easy to decide how far that kind of thing's binding... and they say shipwrecked fellows'll make a meal of friend as quick as they would of a total stranger." He drew himself together with a shake of his shoulders and pulled back his feet from the grate.

"The fellows'll never believe it." "No. I was thinking that very same thing," said Dawson. And they were both true to Dawson's resolve, which is possibly why the mystery of Dampmere has never been solved. If any of my readers can furnish a solution, I wish they would do so, for I am very much interested in the case, and I truly hate to leave a story of this kind in so unsatisfactory a condition.

I'm going, and so are you and Frank. Why shouldn't Dick go?" "You're going? Hurrah for that! Why didn't you say so before?" "Wasn't sure till this morning. You fellows'll be a long way ahead of me, but I mean to catch up." For a few minutes poor Dick was lost sight of in a storm of talk, but Dab came back to him with: "Dick's folks are dreadful poor, but we might raise it.

On the first ballot the organization'll vote solid for Graney, and my fellows'll vote for John Frankfort. On the second ballot half my Frankfort crowd'll switch over to Graney. On the third I'll put the rest of 'em over, and that'll be enough to elect probably the Scarborough crowd'll see it's no use and let us make it unanimous. The losers are always hot for harmony."

"None of the fellows'll come near it," said Jack Vance; "and if old Watford should be knocking round and catch us there, he won't do anything to-day; we shall have to clear out, that's all." Accordingly, about a quarter to four, the three friends, with their solitary guest, assembled at the trysting-place.