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Among them was a repeater, belonging to our young Marylander. If you, my reader, will please to skip backward, over this parenthesis, you will come to our conversation, which it has interrupted. It a'n't the feed, said the young man John, it's the old woman's looks when a fellah lays it in too strong. The feed's well enough.

She longed for the renewed cry of the fellah to drown that sinister voice, but when it came, distant, yet loud, down the alley between the trees, it seemed to her like premonition's voice, suddenly raised in menace against her. And she seemed to hear behind it, and very far away, the world which had been her world once more crying shame upon her.

S'p'osin' God 'ud sen' a jedgment on me s'p'osin' He'd take our little Jim?" "Sh, sh, honey," said Jim, with a man's inadequacy in such a moment. "'Tain't yo' fault; you nevah wished huh any ha'm." "No; but I said it, I said it!" "Po' Ike," said Jim absently; "po' fellah!" "Won't you go thaih," she asked, "an' see what you kin do fu' him?" "He don't speak to me."

"'Arrah, be jabers! exclaimed Mike Fagan, 'but has n't he been a-tradin' wid Brown, the hardware fellah, that we boycotted! Grab it, Hans, and we'll carry it off and show it to the brotherhood. "The men made a move toward the implement. "'You let that are scoop-shovel alone, said Hiram. "I stepped to his side.

And none of Ebn Haroun's friends did aught, for the world knew through whom it was that Seti lived and land was hard to keep in Manfaloot and the prison near. But one day a kavass of the Khedive swooped down on Manfaloot, and twenty young men were carried off in conscription. Among them was Seti, now married to Ahassa, the fellah maid for whom the grindstone had fallen on Ebn Haroun's head.

"He awaits his fate in thine own dwelling, Effendina." Kaid glowered upon Achmet. "In the years which Time, the Scytheman, will cut from thy life, think, as thou fastest at Ramadan or feastest at Beiram, how Kaid filled thy plate when thou wast a beggar, and made thee from a dog of a fellah into a pasha. Go to thy dwelling, and come here no more," he added sharply.

Hossback-ridin' a'n't for them, except once a year, on Fast-day. And marryin' a'n't for them. Sometimes a fellah feels lonely, and would like to have a nice young woman, to tell her how lonely he feels.

Or even if he looks no further than the narrow space of the past one hundred years? The Egyptian fellah warms the hearth of his squalid mud hut with the mummies of the Pharaohs of Egypt, the all-powerful builders of the everlasting pyramids. Customs, conventions, codes, dynasties, states, nations come and go in incontinent succession.

This, and the disgust which a young lady naturally feels at hearing that her lover has been "licked by a fellah not half his size," induced the landlady's daughter to take that decided step which produced a change in the programme of her career I may hereafter allude to. I never thought he would come to good, when I heard him attempting to sneer at an unoffending city so respectable as Boston.

The Egyptians often call it "the country of the roses," and they say that everything grows there. The fellah thinks of it as of a Paradise where man can only be happy. Every Egyptian who has ever set the butt end of a gun against his shoulder sighs to be among its multitudinous game. The fisherman longs to let down his net into the depths of its sacred lake.