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The thinness of the crowds, the feebleness of the enthusiasm, the newspaper sneers and flings at that oratory once hailed as a model of dignity and eloquence even he could not accept the smooth explanations of his flatterers.

In response, wincing a little from pain and feebleness, Archie sat up, took the cup, and drained it with thirsty haste. "That's good," cried Peter, taking and refilling it. "It does me good to see you, sir. Oh, you are coming on fine. Slep' all night, didn't you?" he continued, as he steadied the cup. "I suppose so, Pete," said Archie, with a sigh. "I don't remember any thing."

In the choir the canons sang for themselves only in the emptiness of the church; the shutting of the iron gates of the screen, opened to admit some late-coming priest, echoed like explosions throughout the building, and above the choir the organ joined in at times between the plain song, but it sounded lazily, timidly, as though from necessity, and seemed to lament its feebleness in the gathering twilight.

The reign of which we are about to paint a few years a reign of feebleness, which was like an eclipse of the crown between the splendors of Henri IV and those of Louis le Grand afflicts the eyes which contemplate it with dark stains of blood, and these were not all the work of one man, but were caused by great and grave bodies.

He was similarly armed with sword and pistol, and he was engaged in taking some measures with regard to a tattered, trembling old man, who was standing before him, and who could not answer the questions put to him, on account of his feebleness. Having finished his business with the old man, he turned to me. I inquired about the girl of the night before.

I say wild hearts and passionate lives, because I think I can look through this seeming calmness of youth and this apparent feebleness of organization, and see that Nature, whom it is very hard to cheat, is only waiting as the sapper waits in his mine, knowing that all is in readiness and the slow-match burning quietly down to the powder.

The attenuated and feeble form of an old man rose at the word, and an eye which, while it spoke mental feebleness, was at that moment even brighter than that of his son, glared on the faces of Gelsomina and her companion. "Thou hast not suffered, as I had feared, by this sudden change, father!" continued the latter, kneeling by the side of the straw.

When he came nearer, one could easily see that the features of the father were strangely reflected in those of the child. Altered the likeness was from strength into feebleness from manly beauty into almost puny delicacy; but it did exist, and, faint as it was, Elspie perceived it.

"But why are you going? Excuse me if I wash him while we talk." "I have nothing more to say," said Miss Abbott. All she could do now was to find Philip, confess her miserable defeat, and bid him go in her stead and prosper better. She cursed her feebleness; she longed to expose it, without apologies or tears. "Oh, but stop a moment!" he cried. "You have not seen him yet."

But Tammy was usually pleased enough to see him, and would entertain the boy with many strange legends of the old house; for Tammy was shrewd and imaginative; his "want" exhibited itself in no outrageous manner, but rather in a kind of low cunning and feebleness of will. It was Tammy's talent for story-telling, and his skill as a player of the violin, which drew Yaspard to him.