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"It is true," said the Canon gravely. "I never would have believed it." "Roma veduta, fede perduta," said Don Calixto. "And as for you, Caesar, hasn't this visit interested you?" "Yes, I have been interested in trying to keep from catching cold." The landau that the Breton family was in took the Appian, Way, and Caesar and Don Calixto's carriage followed behind it.

But I never did know Monna Beatrice Portinari; and when I met her afterwards as my Lady Theologia I thought her something imperious and case-hardened. I have hinted that her court is a slender one in Italy, the service paid her lip-service; the lowered eyes and bated breath reserved for her; but for Fede her sister, tears and long kisses and the clinging.

It is noteworthy that these two phrases, "contro alla fede" and "tutto fede," were omitted in the Testina edition, which was published with the sanction of the papal authorities. It may be that the meaning attached to the word "fede" was "the faith," i.e. the Catholic creed, and not as rendered here "fidelity" and "faithful."

Dante's words about him L'amoroso drudo Della fede Cristiana, il santo atleta, Benigno a' suoi, ed a' nemici crudo, omit nothing that is needed to characterise the impression produced upon the Christian world by this remorseless foe of heresy, this champion of the faith who dealt in butcheries and burnings.

Nevertheless there are here and there those among the faithful who continue to say, Ma sopra tutto nel buon via ho fede; E credo che sia salvo che gli crede. And since latterly the Russians have introduced their brandy, the number of believers is not small, who, on mounting their steeds, will take a stirrup cup of schnapps when offered.

Signor Zicci is very rich and very generous; but he wants to be your cavalier, not your husband. I see that, leave me alone. When you are married, then you will see how amiable Signor Zicci will be. Oh, per fede! but he will be as close to your husband as the yolk to the white; that he will. "Silence, Gionetta! How wretched I am to have no one else to speak to to advise me.

It is no intellectual passion you find in that soft, troubled work, where from every picture Lucrezia del Fede looks out at you, posing as Madonna or Magdalen or just herself, and even so, discontented, unhappy, unsatisfactory because she is too stupid to be happy at all. If she were Andrea's tragedy, one might think that even without her his life could scarcely have been different.

The woman standing in the centre of the room is Lucrezia della Fede; this is the first known likeness of her. There is a richness of colour without impasto, a modulation of shade giving full relief without startling contrast, a clear air below and celestial haze in the angel-peopled clouds above. This might well be classed as on the highest level ever reached in fresco.

Signor Zicci is very rich and very generous; but he wants to be your cavalier, not your husband. I see that, leave me alone. When you are married, then you will see how amiable Signor Zicci will be. Oh, per fede! but he will be as close to your husband as the yolk to the white; that he will. "Silence, Gionetta! How wretched I am to have no one else to speak to to advise me.

But this would not be done to men of base natures; for they, if they find themselves once suspected, will never be true. The Italian says, Sospetto licentia fede; as if suspicion, did give a passport to faith; but it ought, rather, to kindle it to discharge itself. Of Discourse