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Then it trotted repeatedly around the pasture-lot, occasionally sticking its head over the top rails, as if it had a notion to jump the fence and run away. During the day it fed on the grass in the school-house yard, and every day at noon she took it over to Sapp's, drew water from their well, and gave it as many bucketfuls as it would drink.

Hinnies are carried by the dam twelve months, like a horse, and, like the horse too, they are raised and fed, and their age can be told by their teeth." Of herd dogs

As one hope failed to materialize, our anticipations fed themselves on another. Our drifting home had no rudder to guide it, no sail to give it speed. We were dependent upon the caprice of wind and current; we went whither those irresponsible forces listed. The longing to feel solid earth under our feet filled our hearts.

Miss Henderson read from the sixth chapter of St. John. They were fed with the five thousand. "Then said his Lordship, 'Well God mend all! 'Nay, Donald, we must help him to mend it, said the other." Quoted by CARLYLE. "Oh, leave these jargons, and go your way straight to God's work in simplicity and singleness of heart!"

Can you say how these things fed the imagination of the boy, who had few books and no contact with the great world? Do you think any city lad could have written "Thanatopsis" at eighteen?

Where the escort? Where the men who fed the signal-fire, the fire that long before midnight had died utterly away. Whither should the weary detachment direct its march? Ceralvo's lay a dozen miles off to the northwest, Moreno's perhaps eight or nine to the southeast. Why had the escaped trooper headed his fleeing steed in that direction? Had there been pursuit?

His mother was not well enough to be moved back to New York, but his sister had reached England safely and he was happy in his luxuries. But he was the only one that was. His mother was bitter against Kedzie for having fed the gossips.

Benjamin Kidd once gave us a delightful account of his pet humble-bees, who used to fly about his room, and come at call to be fed, and who manifested an almost painful interest in his coat buttons, examining them every day as if anxious to find out their true significance.

But his nights in the coffin, and mockery of death, turned against him; he had ever been pale, and now he wore the very face of a corpse. The blood seemed frozen in his veins, and he was at all times so cold that the great stove and the wide hearth facing him were fed with mighty logs day and night.

But was it then she started at her own thought was it then being fed at Baker's? And into the middle of this question, a tremendous one to be asked on the very threshold of the new life, walked Mrs. Morrison. "How d'y do," said Mrs. Morrison. "The vicar asked me to come and see you. I hope the Pearces make you comfortable." "Well I never," thought Mrs.