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Yours of 28 Feby before me as to this matter under consideration I have looked it over and over again Called my old friend Geo Combe and we are of the mind it is the skull of a female Combe says he thinks it was that of a Colored woman the age about 40 to 44 the name of the one who inhabited it it would not be possible for any spirit but the one who the skull belonged to If it was colored Cornelia Winnie might know.

9 Gave order on J. Barnes in favr the Revd Doctr Smith towards rebuilding Princeton College 100D July 11 Subscribed to the Wilmington Academy 100D Feby 25 Gave Hamilton & Campbell ord. on J. Barnes for 100D charity to Carlisle College. " 28 Gave Genl Winn ord. on J. Barnes for 100D charity to Jefferson Monticello Academy in S. Carolina. March 1.

"Your letter received just as I am starting for London. I remain there, and can see Mr. Cameron in town any day. I was in London last week, and saw Mr. Macdonald. Mr. Cameron was Mr. Malcolm Cameron, a man whose worth was undoubted. "Yours, &c., "N." "DOWNING STREET, "20 Feby. 1863.

Feby 24 Sun is gaining strength and days are lengthening. Can see the snow wasting in the sun. In the shade, freezing hard. Are doing good work in the bush. Feby 26 Snowing thick and fast, but not cold. Feby 28 Sky without a cloud and mild. Gordon tapped a tree or two, but there was no sap. March 6 Roused by a hallo so hearty that nobody except Jabez could utter it.

The snow is over three feet on the level. Impossible to work in the bush. Gordon is preparing for sugaring, making spouts and buckets. I have to get a kettle to make potash and will buy one now, for it will serve for boiling sap. Feby 14 Rain, snow sinking fast. Feby 18 Went with the three boys to Toronto and bought potash kettles. They cost $12.

M. of C., understanding that you have resolved to put your negative upon the Proposal relating to the Ninetieth Tract in Convocation on Thursday, the 13th instant, beg leave to tender to you our cordial thanks for a determination which we consider to have been demanded by the principles of our Academical Constit^n. Manning and self. Feby. 11, '45. As far as regards Mr.

Born Jan. 14, 1840, and lost at sea in command of the Ariel, which left London for Sydney, Feby. 1872, and was heard of no more. 'He was not, for God took him."

Its tone of despondency, almost of misanthropy, so unnatural to Patrick Henry, is perhaps a token of that sickness of body which had made the soul sick too, and had then driven the writer into the wilderness, and still kept him there: LEATHERWOOD, 15th Feby., 1780. DEAR SIR, I return you many thanks for your favor by Mr. Sanders.

The great mariner, while engaged in his celebrated voyages of discovery, was murdered by South Sea Islanders at Owhyhee on the 14th of Feby., 1779.

This is off the beaten track, and one may see something of interest. I will know better what I will do in an hour, when I get to Matadi. MATADI Feby. 21. We are now at Matadi. The Captain invited us to stop on board and it is well he did. We dine on deck where the wind blows but the rest of the ship is being cleaned and painted for the trip North.