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Saunderson, had indued a pair of jack-boots of large dimensions, and now invited our hero to follow him as he stalked clattering down the ample stair-case, tapping each huge balustrade as he passed with the butt of his massive horse-whip, and humming, with the air of a chasseur of Louis Quatorze, Pour la chasse ordonnee il faut preparer tout. Ho la ho! Vite! vite debout!

'Et vos gargouilles moyen-age, cried I; 'comme elles sont originates! 'N'est-ce pas? Elles sont bien droles! he said, smiling broadly; and the next moment, with a sudden gravity: 'Cependant il y en a une qui a une patte de casse; il faut que je voie cela. I asked if he had any model a point we much discussed.

I take it from the back of one of those little French toys which contain paste-board figures moved by a small running stream of fine sand; Benjamin Franklin will translate it for you: "Quoiqu'elle soit très solidement montée, il faut ne pas BRUTALISER la machine." I will thank you for the pie, if you please.

'Il en faut comme ça, but one doesn't haunt them. He'll do his best for me; he'll come back again, but he'll come back sad, and finally he'll fade away altogether. Hell go off to Granada or somewhere." "The simplifications of practice?" cried Miriam. "Why they're just precisely the most blessed things on earth. What should we do without them?" "What indeed?" Nick echoed.

With such a plentiful supply of the birds, they might now hope to last out until they could procure more palatable food; and those who were "squeamish" in objecting to the fishy odour of the penguins themselves, would faut de mieux find plenty of sustenance in the eggs that there was no doubt would soon be laid in much greater abundance than they either required or could consume.

As Alexey says, he's one of those people who are very pleasant if one accepts them for what they try to appear to be, et puis il est comme il faut, as Princess Varvara says. Then Veslovsky...you know him. A very nice boy," she said, and a sly smile curved her lips. "What's this wild story about him and the Levins? Veslovsky told Alexey about it, and we don't believe it.

I always remember that inscription on the backs of the little mechanical French toys, "Quoiqu'elle soit tres solidement montee, il faut ne pas brutaliser la machine." And so my courtship progresses under aunt Celia's very nose. I say "progresses," but it is impossible to speak with any certainty of courting, for the essence of that gentle craft is hope, rooted in labor and trained by love.

Il faut le reconnaitre, Smiley etait monstrueusement fier de sa grenouille, et il en avait le droit, car des gens qui avaient voyage, qui avaient tout vu, disaient qu'on lui ferait injure de la comparer a une autre; de facon que Smiley gardait Daniel dans une petite boite a claire-voie qu'il emportait parfois a la Ville pour quelque pari.

"Peggy, I am surprised at you!" said Margaret. "Hush this moment, or I will let your head drop!" "Quand on conspire, sans frayeur Il faut se faire conspirateur; Pour tout le monde il faut avoir Perruque blonde, et collet noir!"

"It's no' respectable like tae " "Man, will ye no' be gone?" cried Mr. Rae, rising from his chair. "I will that!" exclaimed Davie, banging the door after him. "But," he cried furiously, thrusting his head once more into the room, "if he'll no' come it's no' faut o' mine." His voice rose higher and higher, and ended in a wrathful scream as Mr.