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Dieux cruels, s'il en est, eclairez mon courage. Faut-il vieillir courbe sous la main qui m'outrage, Supporter, ou finir mon malheur et mon sort? Qui suis je? Qui m'arrete! et qu'est-ce que la mort? C'est la fin de nos maux, c'est mon unique asile Apres de longs transports, c'est un sommeil tranquile.

But Mie Mie will be there to-morrow. God knows how much further I would go to conduct her safely, but I was made to believe there was no occasion for it. I expected her here on Friday next, or on this day sevennight. Combien de termps faut-il que je sois le jouet des caprices des autres? Mrs. Webb also is not in a good state of health for travelling so far or so fast.

And Alphonse, quite indifferent to the vulgar: "He! mais pensez donc au Papa, Monsieur Henri-Richie, sans doute il a une sante de fer: mais encore faut-il lui menager le suc gastrique, pancreatique...." 'Ay, ay! laughed my father; 'what sets you thinking of Alphonse? 'I suppose because I shall have to be speaking French in an hour. 'German, Richie, German. 'But these Belgians speak French.

He asked me, 'Faut-il introduire le sucre de betrave en France? 'D'abord, Sire, il faut songer si vos colonies 'Faut-il avoir le sucre de betrave en France? 'Mais, Sire, il faut examiner 'Bah! je le demanderai a Berthollet." This despotic, laconic mode of insisting on learning everything in two words had its inconveniences.

He has a sense of humour, and aptness of comprehension which renders him an agreeable companion. I am sorry his visit has made me a little idle, but there is no help for it. I have done everything to-day previous to my going away, but que faut-il faire? one must see society now and then, and this is really an agreeable man. And so, transeat ille.

The bourgeois, limited scope of the art in vogue this was the burden of his reiterated rabid attacks; art watered down to suit the public's insipid palate, and he quoted Chamfort furiously: "Combien de sots faut-il pour faire un public?" the art of simpering prettiness, without root or fruit in life, the art of absolute convention.