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For a time they got on very well, but by and bye the donkey grew lazy and ungrateful for her master's kindness, and ran away several miles into the heart of the forest, where she did nothing but eat and eat and eat, till she grew so fat she could hardly move.

The birds also regularly make their periodical appearance. Besides, parties of hunters would be despatched to scour the country at considerable distances, and their skill and success would improve with each coming season. In regard to fuel, the Esquimaux plan of burning the oil and blubber of seals, the fat of bears, &c. would be quite effective.

Serve hot with bread. 203. =Peas and Bacon.= Cut a quarter of a pound of fat bacon in small bits, and fry it brown with two ounces of onions sliced; then add four ounces of split peas, one tablespoonful of salt, one saltspoonful of pepper, one teaspoonful of sugar, and four quarts of cold water; boil it until the peas are reduced to a pulp, which will be about three hours; then stir in sufficient oatmeal to thicken it, and boil slowly twenty minutes, stirring it occasionally; serve hot; or when cold, slice and fry it brown.

"Harrigan," grunted Steve. And in the darkness Fat Joe sighed mournfully. "Bull's-eye," he whimpered, "and there goes the whole evenin's entertainment! Why didn't you cast around, sort of fruitless for a while, and prolong the excitement? But you're right. Harrigan, that's him!

The Prophet heard my excuses, and said that his family and brethren, all except himself and Amelia, could go to my house to dinner; that he would not eat until about two o'clock. He then whispered to me and said: "Cut me a chunk off the breast of the turkey, and a piece off the loin of one of the fat kids, and put some rich gravy over it, and I will eat it at 2 p. m."

Sally, who knew quite well what was the matter quite as well, almost, as if she had gone through a regular civilised education laughed heartily, grasped the infant's fat paw, and led him up the hill. Truly it was a pleasant picnic these people had that day.

You get a decoration or two, temporary rank, mention in the Gazette and regretful demotion to your previous rank when the war is over. "War, Mr. Doolittle, isn't half the hell that peace is to a fellow like me. Peace means the chance to eat my heart out in idleness; to grow fat and gray and stupid; to oh! what's the use!

"That there one's rayther good-looking," ventured the proprietor of the velvet and gold. "Not so mighty, either," said his wife, bridling. "Face is too chalky-like, and the other one is too fat." This was near being the death of us both, as the two critics together would have turned the scale at near five hundred.

Pakenham drew apart and engaged in earnest speech with the lady who had accompanied him; so that meantime I myself found opportunity for a word with Mr. Calhoun. "Now," said I, "the fat certainly is all in the fire!" "What fat, my son?" asked Calhoun serenely; "and what fire?" "At least" and I grinned covertly, I fear "it seems all over between my lady and her protector there.

In fourteen large cities with a total population of over 5,000,000 nearly 40 per cent less fat was recovered in March, 1918, than in March, 1917. Not only can fat be saved by carefully avoiding every bit of waste, but less can actually be used. Sugar is a luxury of former times which has become a commonplace to-day.