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My moralisings were cut short by my entering a village, and, it being about the hour of noon, finding myself in the thick of a village wedding. Undoubtedly the nicest way to get married is on the sly, and indeed it is at present becoming quite fashionable.

During two years' service with New York's most fashionable physician the driver had never received a command like this, and he opened up his machine. A policeman warned him at Thirty-third Street and the car slowed down, at which Suydam leaned forward, crying, roughly: "To hell with regulations! There's a man dying!" The last word was jerked from him as he was snapped back into his seat.

It was just five o'clock, and a packed crowd of fashionable Londoners was listening to the strains of a popular band, or as much of it as could be heard above the din of conversation. "This is all rather amazing, is it not?" she remarked to her companion.

As for marriage, of course that would be silly, but there are other and more interesting bonds between men and women. I will certainly encourage them. They have the charm of being fashionable. But here is Dorian himself. He will tell you more than I can."

The men went as fine as the women, and the June sunshine, pouring in upon all this lustre and color, made a flower-bed of the assemblage. Being of the country, it was vastly better behaved than would have been a fashionable London congregation; but it certainly saw no reason why Mr.

Soon there will be no middle ground left, and every man, especially every clergyman, will be compelled to make his choice between the two." ... The Bishop of Chester speaks of the subject "daily assuming a more serious and alarming aspect": a gossiping writer of the moment describes these doctrines as having insinuated themselves not only into popular churches and fashionable chapels, and the columns of newspapers, but "into the House of Commons."

The latent instinct in him the instinct that had flashed out during his lazy, fashionable calm in all moments of danger, in all days of keen sport; the instinct that had made him fling himself into the duello with the French boar, and made him mutter to Forest King, "Kill me if you like, but don't fail me!" was the instinct of the born soldier.

The first was felicitating himself on his sister's escape; the latter received the lesson that teaches prudence a la distance. His only visitors were one or two heads of families where he had been received as a fashionable friend, and these came only to look and inquire.

I had the best teachers and, of course, the most expensive; with none others would I have been satisfied, for I had come naturally to regard myself as on a social equality with the fashionable young friends who were my companions, and who indulged the fashionable vice of depreciating everything that did not come up to a certain acknowledged standard.

I am not in love with Mr Crossland not by any means. I never did admire the way in which his nose droops over his mouth. He has fine teeth that is a redeeming point." "Is it? I don't want him to bite me," observed Miss Marianne. Was this the sort of thing which girls called love? and was this the way in which fashionable women spoke of the men whom they had pledged themselves to marry?