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We observe families loaded down with small children, who might have been happy and reasonably cool at home, struggling desperately to get away for a day in the country, rising at 5 A. M., standing in line at the station, fanning themselves with blasphemy, and weary before they start.

Maura was supposed to be doing the polite to Lady Phyllis, but in point of fact Phyllis was lying down in the balcony of her mother's dressing-room, and Maura was gracefully fanning herself under a great cork tree, while Lord Ivinghoe was lying on the grass. Francie looked languid, and said it was getting dreadfully hot, but Mrs.

Toward the office slowly strode old Gideon Batts, fanning himself with his white slouch hat. He was short, fat, and bald; he was bowlegged with a comical squat; his eyes stuck out like the eyes of a swamp frog; his nose was enormous, shapeless, and red. To the Major's family he traced the dimmest line of kinship.

Vaisampayana said, "Hearing these words from Bhima, that were fraught with such mildness and that were, as unexpected as if the hills had lost their weight and fire had become cold, Rama's younger brother Kesava of Sura's race and mighty arms, wielding the bow called Saranga, laughed aloud, and as if to stimulate Bhima by his words, like the breeze fanning a fire, addressed him who was then so overwhelmed by the impulse of kindness, saying, 'At other times, O Bhimasena, thou applaudest war only, desirous of crushing the wicked sons of Dhritarashtra that take delight in the destruction of others.

"Is it?" "If you like wonderful things as well as ever." "Oh, I do!" I said. "What is it, Dr. Sandford?" He carefully wrapped up his treasure in a bit of paper and put it in his pocket; then he cut down a small hickory branch and began to fan me with it; and while he sat there fanning me he entered upon a lecture such as I had never listened to in my life.

A great gray owl, which had passed the daylight in some obscure corner, launched darkling forth on the air and winged hither and thither, once or twice fanning the sleeper's face with silent pinions. The crocodile lazily edged off the stone, plumped quietly into the water, and clambered up the hither margin of the pool, there coming to another long pause.

Jadwin did not respond until he had passed the reins to the coachman, and taking the stop watch from the latter's hand, he drew on his cigar, and held the glowing tip to the dial. "Eleven minutes and a quarter," he announced, "and we had to wait for the bridge at that." He came up the steps, fanning himself with his slouch hat, and dropped into the chair that Landry had brought for him.

Meyrick reported that the latest news from Marmion was that Sorell and Fanning between them had decided to take Radowitz up to town that afternoon for the opinion of Sir Horley Wood, the great surgeon. "Have you seen Sorell?" "Yes. But he would hardly speak to me. He said we'd perhaps spoilt his life." "Whose?" "Radowitz's." Falloden's expression stiffened. "That's nonsense.

But, dimly I recollect that, finding the thing approaching yet nearer, I lashed out with my fists madly, blindly and struck something palpable.... What was the result, I cannot say. At that point my recollections merge into confusion. Then, with the cool night air fanning my brow, I was running running my breath coming in hysterical sobs.

"Phew!" he exclaimed, drawing out a little yellow fan from his sleeve and fanning himself vigorously, "that was a narrow squeak! I really don't think that I've been in such a tight corner before for two hundred years at least." And he tucked his fan away again and beamed upon me complacently.