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Two more days passed away, and no relief was at hand: my strength failed me; I felt that I was dying; and, as the fountain murmured, and the birds sang, and the cool breeze fanned my cheeks, I thought that it would have been better to have been swallowed up in the desert than to be tantalised by expiring in such a paradise.

Caleb increased the pressure of his left hand a little, and sawed faster with the right. The smoke steadily increased and the black powder began to fill the notch. The smoke was rolling in little clouds from under the pin, and it even seemed to come from the heap of powder. As soon as he saw that, Caleb dropped the bow and gently fanned the powder heap. It still smoked.

But the Government of England had taken no account of what was happening in Ireland of the veritable wave of passion that swept the country after, the "executions" of the Rebel leaders, of the manner in which this passion was fanned and flamed by the arrest and deportation of thousands of young men all over the country, who were believed to be prominently identified with the Volunteer Movement, of the unrest that was caused by the reports that a number of the peaceable citizens of Dublin were deliberately shot without cause by the troops during the military occupation of the city.

"Won't you get down and come in a moment?" "What is it?" She was already kicking the stirrup from her eager foot. "Come in and see." He held out his arms, as if she were a child willing to jump. "You know my awful curiosity," she laughed, putting her hands on his shoulders and leaning downward. Her face sank close to his so close that her breath fanned his cheek.

Thomas snapped out, "bear a hand! Do you think you're waiting for the cows to come home?" "No-o-o, sir," the mild man drawled, starting to walk across the deck. The slow reply, delivered with a mocking inflection, fanned to sudden laughter chuckles that the mate's words had caused. Mr. Thomas reddened and, stepping out, thrust his face close to the other's.

With a little feeling of pique she turned to her escort, and was soon gliding about the room with an apparent delight in her partner, who was dancing quite as well as he had talked. The waltz ended, she turned away, without a glance at the neglectful doctor, and followed her new acquaintance to their former seats in the hall. "How well you waltz!" she said frankly, as she fanned herself.

But Pomona was also regarded as presiding over other fruits, and as such is invoked by Thomson: "Bear me, Pomona, to thy citron groves, To where the lemon and the piercing lime, With the deep orange, glowing through the green, Their lighter glories blend. Lay me reclined Beneath the spreading tamarind, that shakes, Fanned by the breeze, its fever-cooling fruit."

He made no movement, even of his eyes, but he could see that Sir Nathaniel was watching him intently, and, he fancied, with approval. They all sat near the table spread for tea, Adam still near the door. Lady Arabella fanned herself, complaining of heat, and told one of the footmen to throw all the outer doors open.

"I've just been in Helen's room," she said, "and what do you think she has on her dresser?" "I give it up," replied Miss Cordelia in a very rich, voice. "Three photographs of young men!" The two sisters gazed at each other, quite overcome, and if you had been there you would have seen that if they had held fans in their hands, they would have fanned themselves with vigour.

Here and there a heap of embers still smoked and sent forth an occasional spitting of sparks when a gust fanned the heap. Men, women and children stood about blankly or wandered disconsolately here and there, coughing in the acrid clouds of warm grass cinders kicked up by their own lagging feet. No one missed the Kid. No one dreamed that he was lost again.