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"It seems that the majordomo gave the poison to Ramabai, but the white goddess . . ." "The white goddess!" cried Umballa, as if stung by a cobra's fang. "Ay, Highness. She did not die on that roof. Nothing can harm her. It is written." "And I was never told!" She lived, lived, and all the terrors he had evoked for her were as naught!

At such times, under an abated sun; afloat all day upon smooth, slow heaving swells; seated in his boat, light as a birch canoe; and so sociably mixing with the soft waves themselves, that like hearth-stone cats they purr against the gunwale; these are the times of dreamy quietude, when beholding the tranquil beauty and brilliancy of the ocean's skin, one forgets the tiger heart that pants beneath it; and would not willingly remember, that this velvet paw but conceals a remorseless fang.

That is to say, an electrified devil. He reared up. He struck, pat! pat! right and left, with the terrible, rending, full stroke of his kind. He met open jaws with open jaws you could hear fang clash against fang. He grabbed, scrunched, drew back, grabbed, scrunched again, as a lion will for the cats neither hold fast like a weasel nor snap like a wolf.

"Do you recall that time you stepped upon the thing you call viper in your world?" she asked. I nodded. "The accident gave you the idea for the poisoned arrows with which we fitted the warriors of the empire," she continued. "And, too, it gave me an idea. For a long time I have carried a viper's fang in my bosom.

There were a few blacks, and a few pure whites, but none that wore the mongrel spots of the soft-footed and softer-throated dogs from the south. He shivered as he measured the pent-up power, the destructive possibilities of the whining, snapping, living sea of sinew and fang ahead of them. And they were Josephine's! They were her slaves! What need had she of his protection?

Then Grey Beaver took a knife from a sheath that hung around his neck, and went into the thicket and cut a stick. White Fang watched him. He notched the stick at each end and in the notches fastened strings of raw-hide. One string he tied around the throat of Kiche. Then he led her to a small pine, around which he tied the other string. White Fang followed and lay down beside her.

He had to become all these things, else he would not have held his own nor survive the hostile environment in which he found himself. In the fall of the year, when the days were shortening and the bite of the frost was coming into the air, White Fang got his chance for liberty. For several days there had been a great hubbub in the village.

Her quickness matched his; her ferocity equalled his; while he fought with his fangs alone, and she fought with her sharp- clawed feet as well. But after the lynx, all fighting ceased for White Fang. There were no more animals with which to fight at least, there was none considered worthy of fighting with him.

They were all too busy to take much notice of me, but another officer, who was standing by the door with a long pipe in his mouth, strode across and clapped me on the shoulder, pointing to the dead bodies of our poor hussars, and saying something which was meant for a jest, for his long beard opened and showed every fang in his head.

Peter laughed. "It's a woman's privilege, isn't it?" "Well, how do you happen to be so intimate at the Chinese minister's?" was Barbara's direct question. "They seemed so formal and then all of a sudden Mr. Tu Fang Wu let you come up to see his daughter." "I know them very well," Peter returned simply. "I often dine at the Chinese minister's with his family.