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Besides, when she has completely subordinated her will to ours, when she has given our message " The spirit grand-sire seemed to falter and diminish. "My power is waning, but I will again manifest. We will try " The voice stopped as though a door had been shut upon the speaker, and the megaphone dropped upon the table. "All that is very interesting," commented Weissmann, "but inconclusive.

In the excitement of the moment, grammar goes to the winds, and h 's fall thick as leaves in Vallombrosa, but they neither hesitate nor falter in their speech, and are nearly all possessed of a good deal of useful practical information. Their behaviour is certainly open to exception, but so is that of the House of Commons.

And so at last I lost my temper, and I snatched up my gun and struck him with the butt-end of it. My poor Rolf!" said Uncle Pick, all at once, with a falter in his voice; and he stopped abruptly, and stooped down and laid his hand on the great black head. "He was quieter after I had struck him," said Uncle Dick, after a little pause.

There was an old clock standing against the wall. It was one of those tall, wooden frames in which, behind the glass, the heavy, polished disk of the pendulum, alternated slowly back and forth with wearisome precision. And with every stroke of the seconds there was a faint, metallic clangor in the clock a falter like that which comes in the voice of a very old man.

Vincent, Collingwood, Howe, Duncan, the noble list proceeds, each name illuminated with its only splendid story of desperate enterprise and deathless honor, till the proudest name of all is reached, and praise itself seems to falter and fall off before the lonely grandeur of Nelson.

"If you do not stop I will shoot your horse. I give you one minute." She swayed a little in the saddle, clutching the grey's neck to steady herself and for a moment she closed her eyes, but she did not falter for an instant. She would not stop; nothing on earth should make her stop now. Only, because she knew the man, she kicked her feet clear of the stirrups.

They asked her no more. Dr Chedsey, for the sixth and last time, assumed the black cap, and read the sentence of death. "Thou shalt be taken from here to the place whence thou earnest, and thence to the place of execution, there to be burned in the fire till thou art dead." Never before had Chedsey's voice been known to falter in pronouncing that sentence.

Webster having overcome the Americans of the second line in his front advanced upon the third and was received by Gunby's Maryland regiment with a most galling fire which made his troops falter. Gunby advanced, charging bayonets, when the enemy was completely routed.

"I shall not forget how kind you've been." Then she was gone through the big door, the tall nurse beside her supporting steps which seemed suddenly to falter, and King was staring after her, feeling his heart contract with sympathy.

Indeed, to falter for the sake of such delights is, if you remain inactive, the quickest way of losing the sweets of repose to which you cling; while to conceive extravagant pretensions from success in war is to forget how hollow is the confidence by which you are elated.