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Captain Bulsted and Julia saved me from a fit of remorse; they had come up to town on purpose to carry him home with them, and had left a message on my table, and an invitation to dinner at their hotel, where the name of Janet was the Marino Faliero of our review of Riversley people and old times. The captain and his wife were indignant at her conduct.

Many of its details have been enshrined by Byron, who, without assuming the dignity of historical record, has taught us in poetic form. The names of Dandolo, Faliero, and the two Foscari are familiar to all cultured people.

They saw there something of higher worth in their eyes than any dinner could be, namely, a work of genius. They scanned the butter lion critically, and then broke forth in a torrent of praises, insisting that Faliero should tell them at once what great sculptor he had persuaded to waste his skill upon a work in butter, that must quickly melt away.

He brought presents also for the Doge; for an inventory made in 1351 of things found in the palace of Marino Faliero includes among others a ring given by Kublai Khan, a Tartar collar, a three-bladed sword, an Indian brocade, and a book 'written by the hand of the aforesaid Marco, called De locis mirabilibus Tartarorum. The rest of Marco Polo's life is quickly told.

Mark, with the horses of Lysippus, a spoil from Byzantium the flagless poles that once bore the banners of three tributary states the highly adorned azure clock the palaces of the proud Doges where Faliero reigned where Faliero suffered: these were before them. Their steps mechanically turned to the beautiful Campanile.

I know not such cheap delights; I am a suitor of Vittoria Colonna; I walk with Tasso along the terraced garden of the Villa d'Este, and look to see Beatrice smiling down the rich gloom of the cypress shade. You staid at the Hotel Europa in Venice, at Danielli's or the Leone bianco; I am the guest of Marino Faliero, and I whisper to his wife as we climb the giant staircase in the summer moonlight,

On one of these occasions, when the Signor Faliero was to entertain a very large company at dinner, young Canova was at work over the pots and pans in the kitchen. The head-servant made his appearance, just before the dinner hour, in great distress. The man who had been engaged to furnish the great central ornament for the table had, at the last moment, sent word that he had spoiled the piece.

Captain Bulsted and Julia saved me from a fit of remorse; they had come up to town on purpose to carry him home with them, and had left a message on my table, and an invitation to dinner at their hotel, where the name of Janet was the Marino Faliero of our review of Riversley people and old times. The captain and his wife were indignant at her conduct.

Love must have lent its precious hearing too, for she vowed she loved to hear him speak her language. In the great Council Chamber of the Ducal Palace they looked at the seventy-six portraits of the illustrious succession of Doges with the one tragic vacant space, the missing portrait of Marino Faliero, the Rienzi of Venice, the man before his time.

Here he wrote "Marino Faliero," "The Two Foscari," "Morganti Maggiore," "Sardanapalus," "The Blues," "The fifth canto of Don Juan," "Cain," "Heaven and Earth," and "The Vision of Judgment." I looked in at the court of the palace, a pleasant, quiet place, where he used to work, and tried to guess which were the windows of his apartments.