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Fairfield, must at least have disposed the Yellow party to vote rather for me than for a determined opponent like Egerton." "I hope so; for your speech and Fairfield's answer have damaged you terribly with the Blues.

Well, Miss Fairfield, I'm a blunt Westerner, and I don't know how to say these things subtly, but when you imply that Daisy has any special interest in me, you do me undeserved honour. I've known her for years, and we're good chums, but she'd have no right to comment if I walked down to the sea, or into it, or across it. NOW, will you be good?"

Nor, albeit few charges could be more obnoxious than that of deputy-governor or charge-d'affaires extraordinaires to the parish stocks, nor one more likely to render Lenny Fairfield odious to his contemporaries, ought he to have been insensible to the signal advantage of his condition over that of the two sufferers, against whose ears and tails Mr. Stirn had no special motives of resentment.

Grell had been there all the evening, but was too busy to speak to me. I was unspeakably relieved. "Then in the morning, he, Sir Ralph Fairfield, came to see me. I partly guessed his mission, but the full shock came when he told me that it was Mr. Grell who was murdered. I think I must have been mad at the time. I said nothing about my own discovery if Mr.

Washington's own summary of the operations of this campaign is contained in a letter to Lafayette in the following terms: "The operations of the enemy this campaign have been confined to the establishment of works of defense, taking a post at King's Ferry, and burning the defenseless towns of New Haven, Fairfield, and Norwalk, on the Sound, within reach of their shipping, where little else was or could be opposed to them than the cries of distressed women and children; but these were offered in vain.

"You remember when the people on upper Deep Creek used to come here to church, four miles or so? Well, now they are going to Fairfield Church owners, renters, everybody. It's surprising how Fairfield Church is growing. That's going away from town, not to it, and they're as near to town as we are." "Then," persisted J.W., "how do you account for it?" "Only one way, my boy," said Pa Shenk.

Leonard was still absorbed in the perusal of these poems when Mrs. Fairfield entered the room. "What have you been about, Lenny, searching in my box?" "I came to look for my father's bag of tools, Mother, and I found these papers, which you said I might read some day." "I does n't wonder you did not hear me when I came in," said the widow, sighing.

His first purpose was to settle at Zanesville, Ohio, but he finally chose Lancaster, Fairfield County, where he at once engaged in the practice of his profession. In 1811 he returned to Norwalk, where, meantime, was born Charles Taylor Sherman, the eldest of the family, who with his mother was carried to Ohio on horseback.

'I want to leave, I said, 'before the announcement is made, and I will start early in the morning. I packed up that night, and early in the morning, about seven o'clock, I rode away through the fog that then hung over the camp." William Tecumseh Sherman, who was born at Lancaster, Fairfield County, in 1820, was like his comrade and beloved friend Grant in the poverty he was born to.

She jumped up and turned on more lights. Then, chancing to see herself in the long mirror, she bowed profoundly to the pretty reflected figure, saying: "Good-evening, Miss Fairfield, how well you're looking this evening. Won't you sing a little for us?" Then she danced into the music-room, and sitting down at the piano, sang a gay little song.