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"The Serenissimo is in extremis," the most venerable of the Ducal Councillors announced, "therefore these briefs which, in the name of the Serene Republic of Venice, we receive, cannot be opened until the solemn ceremonials of the death and the election shall have been concluded," and so dismissed the bearer of the Papal message to return to the audience of the greater king.

Whether this was a little late in the day, and those rewards of the possessive instinct, lands and money, destined for the melting-pot was still a question so moot that it was not mooted. After all, Timothy had said Consols were goin' up. Timothy, the last, the missing link; Timothy, in extremis on the Bayswater Road so Francie had reported.

What matter, in extremis, whether we be called Romanist, or Protestant, or Greek, or Calvinist? We suffer, and Christ suffered; we die, and Christ died; he conquered suffering and death, he rose and lives and reigns, and we shall conquer, rise, live, and reign. The hours on the cross were long, the thirst was bitter, the darkness and horror real, but they ended.

"Concerning what, my friend?" inquired the great man, rather absently. "Concerning everything, Eminence," answered Gouache "concerning politics, religion, life, death, and everything else which belongs to my career. I am going to enlist with the Zouaves." The Cardinal looked at him for a moment, and then broke into a low laugh. "Extremis malis extrema remedial!" he exclaimed.

"Technically it is an oral will, operating on personality only, made in extremis that is, actually in fear of death and under our statutes limited to soldiers in active military service or to mariners at sea. Under the old common law it was just as effective to pass personal estate as a written instrument."

Here are a few excerpts from these entries: "1597. This decides a matter which has sometimes been disputed, that, while with us, in our old times, "the passing bell" indicated the progress of a funeral train, anciently in England it signified that a soul was believed to be passing from a body supposed to be in extremis.

Although he still appeared to be very much of an invalid, and his complexion had a sallow and unnatural hue, even in the lamplight, it was difficult to believe that twenty-four hours before he had appeared to be in extremis. When he arose and greeted Roger with a courtesy that was almost faultless, the young fellow was tempted to rub his eyes as if all were a dream. Mrs.

Does not his Prometheus say that the Olympian Zeus will be overthrown by his own descendant the son that will be born of a virgin? Is it not so, Socrates?" "Certainly: 'she will bear a son who is stronger than his father. But who it will be, and when he will be born, he does not say. Now I believe that Zeus already lies in extremis." Again the warning voice of Pericles was heard.

And Green, the Rhodesian sergeant who had been brought in, almost in extremis, with blackwater. Nor was his condition improved by the experience of having been blown up in the ambulance by a land mine, hidden in the thick dust of the road. Thrown into the air by the force of the explosion, the car had turned over on him and the driver, who was killed.

The essences were not yet finished. Painkiller would come next; after that, if need be, would come libations of red ink. He had even, in his time, been reduced to boiling down plug tobacco and distilling the liquor. But these last two were only used in extremis.