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"She is a remarkable girl," said her mother, and added in an undertone, like a conspirator, looking about her timidly: "You wouldn't easily find another like her; only, do you know, I am beginning to be a little uneasy. The school, the dispensary, books all that's very good, but why go to extremes? She is three-and-twenty, you know; it's time for her to think seriously of herself.

But no man affronts me, nor can therefore justify my affronting him, by offering to make me as happy as himself, according to his own ideas of happiness. This the Dissenters do to the Catholics. You are on the different extremes. The Dissenters offer, with regard to constitutional rights and civil advantages of all sorts, everything; you refuse everything.

The brother's goodness came uppermost at this appeal, but it could only show itself in Tom's fashion. He put his hand gently on her arm, and said, in the tone of a kind pedagogue, "Now listen to me, Maggie. I'll tell you what I mean. You're always in extremes; you have no judgment and self-command; and yet you think you know best, and will not submit to be guided.

Formerly, and particularly in the Middle Ages when religious frenzy was at its highest pitch, prolonged abstinence was prompted by a desire to do penance and to gain the approbation of Heaven. In many religions fasting has become a part of worship or religions ceremony, and from the earliest times certain sects have carried this custom to extremes.

Ancient nations emphasized the social-national aspect of life overmuch, as for example the Spartans; the modern home overemphasizes the family aspect. We must avoid extremes by clinging to the virtues and correcting the vices of the home. Alarmists are constantly raising the cry that marriage is declining and that society is thereby threatened at its very heart.

I would not be supposed to confine those observations to any description of men, or to comprehend all men of any description within them No! far from it. I am as incapable of that injustice, as I am of keeping terms with those who profess principles of extremes; and who, under the name of religion, teach little else than wild and dangerous politics.

The extremes of heat and cold are as great here and in other places in the Mediterranean as in London. In Malta, our author saw five or six cases of bronchitis, which in a single month terminated in incurable phthisis; and in two cases, six weeks only elapsed between the first signs of the tuberculous deposit and the death of the patients.

Let the suffering entailed be what it may, the eye must be plucked out, the arm must be lopped off, to use the Saviour's figurative language, if in no other way the soul can be saved from sin. Better to leave your father's house, better to give up your very life, than to damn your soul for all eternity. But extremes are rarely called for; small sacrifices often cost more than great ones.

It was a softness that scorned Shefford for asking, and likewise it flung defiance at his creed and into the face of hell. Shefford felt the sting and the exaltation. "And I'd be a Mormon," he said. "All right. We understand each other. Reckon there won't be any call for such extremes. I haven't an idea what you mean what can be done. But I say, go slow, so we won't all find graves.

This language was, of course, visited with the heavy reprobation of the Ministry; but their own partisans had already gone as great lengths on the side of absolute power, and it is the nature of such extremes to generate each other.