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"My ladies," replied the porter, "by your very air, I judged at first that you were persons of extraordinary merit, and I conceive that I am not mistaken.

However, that which more particularly struck Pierre now that he stood there waiting was the extraordinary silence which prevailed all around, silence so deep that it seemed as if all the dark quiescence of that huge, somniferous Vatican were concentrated in that one suite of lifeless, sumptuous rooms, which the motionless flamelets of the lamps as dimly illumined.

"You and Jeannie's yin can go for a bit walk. Me and Gregg has business." When once I was in the hall alone with Uncle Adam, I turned to him, sick at heart. "Uncle Adam," I said, "you can understand, better than I can say, how very painful all this is to me." "Yes, I am sorry you have seen your grandfather in so unamiable a light," replied this extraordinary man.

The frost, sinking deeper in this loose, wet soil than elsewhere, held it back, too, for a time, but as soon as this was thoroughly out of the ground the river overflow came up like a geyser. "Mr. Burnit, your Applerod Addition is ruined, and it can never be saved, unless by some extraordinary means.

After a long time they can't help winking, and then you know for certain that they are fairies. There are also numbers of them along the Baby Walk, which is a famous gentle place, as spots frequented by fairies are called. Once twenty-four of them had an extraordinary adventure.

Then he turned his face to the wall, muttering in a low, petulant voice "Too bad! too bad! too bad!" I had not erred in my first and my last impressions of H 's disease, neither had Dr. S although he used a very extraordinary mode of treatment. The facts of the case were these: H had a weakness; he could not taste wine nor strong drink without being tempted into excess.

And it was impossible not to follow one who led with such a zest. You might question, but you followed first. So now, when I heard him kick off his own shoes, I did the same, and was on the stairs at his heels before I realized what an extraordinary way was this of approaching a stranger for money in the dead of night.

Tommy appeared in ecstasies at the confidence that was reposed in him, and, after thanking his father for his extraordinary goodness, he desired leave to go back again with Mr Barlow's servant. When he arrived at Mr Barlow's, his first care was to ask Harry to accompany him again to the farmer's house.

"Five, six, seven," Helen counted on, and her whispers sounded loudly in the room where Mildred Caniper's thoughts were busy. "You haven't a very warm coat, so you must take mine," Helen said, and when she looked up she discovered in her stepmother the extraordinary stillness of a being whose soul has gone on a long journey.

As a rule, however, they make their appearance from five to fifteen minutes before the wind strikes; and when they are in great numbers the air, to a height of ten or twelve feet above the surface of the ground, is all at once seen to be full of them, rushing past with extraordinary velocity in a north-easterly direction.