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But even were there no other authority, than the general tenor of revelation, I should feel justified in my present exposition. To contend for a general resurrection, we are in the same predicament with the orthodox in contending for a general judgment. They also speak of the glory which should follow, and of the success that should attend it.

The moral idea lies in the exposition of achievement as a freeing of the artist's soul so that his work has become a thing of indifference to him, let its fortunes be what they will, it is the dead chrysalis from which he has escaped; and the isolation of the artist's life is set forth pathetically but with no suggestion of evil in it, for though the world has rejected him he lives in his own world in the calm of victory.

As a matter of fact, in spite of the efforts of the Exposition to persuade visitors to come in here, a great many preferred to enter by the Fillmore Street gate. During the day this approach is decidedly the more attractive on account of leading directly into the gardens and into the approach to the court.

Not only in the handling of light and in freshness of coloring has the whole of painting been profoundly changed, but there is a general tendency to paint the impression rather than the actuality, the harmonious effect rather than the literal fact-and these things are notably illustrated in the Exposition galleries.

About this time a great synod, or conference, or something of the kind, flooded the hotels with ministers from town and country alike. A stalwart figure in the midst of them, with shining spectacles and bushy white whiskers, was waving his arms and growing red in the face as he poured forth a flood of words that, at a moderate remove, might have passed either for exposition or for expostulation.

He had a laboratory at Poplar. Addisoniana, vol. i. p. 10. The readers of Washington Irving's Brace-Bridge Hall will recollect a pleasing and popular exposition of the alternately splendid and benevolent, and always passionate reveries of the Alchemist, in the affecting story of the Student of Salamanca.

Their band of music, and the band of eighty pieces of the native constabulary are called the finest at the Exposition. When they march they all seem to be one body; so smooth and even are their movements, they are called the most perfectly drilled soldiers in the country. Jest think on't, if they show off so now what will they do at the next Exposition.

One day when I was visiting with my parents some exposition of objects of art or flowers in one of the lower halls of the Louvre, I saw him approach my mother whom he had known in England with a familiarity at once respectful and charming. He plainly wished to please those whom he addressed, and he had the gift of doing so. In that kind of success he was rarely wanting, especially with women.

In my opinion the management should not be required to pay all these expenses. I earnestly recommend that the Congress appropriate at once the small sum necessary for this purpose. The Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo has just closed.

The exhibit of carpet-weaving is far inferior to the Philadelphian. The Swiss exhibit of machinery for making paper of wood pulp is very large and ample, but the Belgian annex shows the finest and largest varieties of paper so made to be found in the Exposition.