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The imports and exports rose in that time from 400,000,000 to 2,000,000,000 rupees. Forty years ago, India was merely a dealer in drugs, dyes and luxuries; now she is one of the largest purveyors of food grains, fibers, and many other staples. Few persons are aware how favorably the earnings of Indian railways compare with those of other countries.

To remedy as much as possible these evils, I recommend: That an effectual embargo on exports be immediately enacted.

Other forest products exported are dividivi, a tanning bark, and resins. Most of these exports go to the United States and England. For the preparation of lumber for local needs there are sawmills in La Vega and Santiago de los Caballeros.

"I obtained subsequently from Macota the following list of imports and exports; which I here commit to paper, for the information of those whom it may concern. "From Singapore.

It claimed a monopoly in the purchase and sale of all imports and exports in the Colony. Its privileges were based upon royal ordinances and decrees of the Intendant, and its rights enforced in the most arbitrary manner and to the prejudice of every other mercantile interest in the Colony.

Thus one after another came the evidences of a sudden transformation in the financial conditions and of a consequent movement toward the resumption of business, all of which rested fundamentally on an immense increase of our exports and the resulting favorable movement of foreign exchange.

I was unable to obtain any precise information in regard to the colonial debt. The last book on statistics of imports and exports was for the fiscal year 1894, and the last printed budget was for 1896-7, which was approved by the Queen Regent in August, 1896. Both were to be secured by a first lien on the receipts of the Manila custom house.

Author confers with the inhabitants of Bridgewater relative to a petition to parliament in behalf of the abolition; returns to Bristol; discovers a scandalous mode of procuring seamen for the Slave Trade, and of paying them; makes a comparative view of their loss in this and in other trades; procures imports and exports.

The figures of Irish exports and imports lend no countenance to the story of decay setting in with the Union. Taking the two decennial periods, before and after the Union, the figures are as follows: Total value Total value of imports. of exports. 1790-1801 ... ... £49,000,000 £51,000,000 1802-1813 ... ... £74,000,000 £63,000,000 Increase ... £25,000,000 £12.000,000

The feasibility of making our currency correspond with the constitutional standard may be seen by reference to a few facts derived from our commercial statistics. The aggregate product of precious metals in the United States from 1849 to 1867 amounted to $1,174,000,000, while for the same period the net exports of specie were $741,000,000.