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Our Staff again brought themselves into notice at Christmas by altering our official address from "B.E.F. Italy" to "Italian Expeditionary Force." I heard that the distinguished General, who introduced this reform, estimated that it would hasten victory by several months.

They worked hard to dispel this over-confidence that had laid hold of the group, but their words of warning fell on deaf ears. This spirit of eager confidence was not peculiar to the air groups near the front; it was a part of the entire American Expeditionary Force. Where was this bloomin' war that seemed so difficult to win? asked the American doughboy. Bring it on! Trot it out!

"Well, don't go making a noise," said the general, "Can't you see I'm busy?" "I think I'll just take a turn round," said Colonel Childs. He felt uneasy. Something in the silence of the village scared him. He went out into the roadway and walked toward Sir John French's quarters. There was no challenge from a sentry. The British Expeditionary Force seemed to be sleeping.

Augustine exactly 150 years later ; nearly two centuries from the withdrawal of the expeditionary Roman Army to the landing of St. Taking these four points seriatim: Further inland than about a day's march from the sea or from the estuaries of rivers, we have no proof of the settlement of the pirates or the formation by them of local governments.

From that hour onwards a heavy cloud of suspense and of fear hung over Witanbury Close: over the Deanery, where the cherished youngest daughter tried in vain to be "brave," and to conceal her miserable state of suspense from her father and mother; over "Robey's," all of whose young men were in the Expeditionary Force; and very loweringly over the Trellis House.

These were ominous enough: "The Germans Still Battering Liege Forts Kaiser's Army Nearing Brussels Four Millions of Men Marching on France Russia Hastening Her Mobilisation Kitchener Calls for One Hundred Thousand Men Canada Will Send Expeditionary Force of Twenty-five Thousand Men Camp at Valcartier Nearly Ready Parliament Assembles Thursday."

Now that a clear month has passed since the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force began its night and day fighting with the enemy, the General Commanding desires me to explain to officers, non-commissioned officers and men the real significance of the calls made upon them to risk their lives apparently for nothing better than to gain a few yards of uncultivated land.

The soldiery of the Kaiser which had swept their way into Belgium, there to meet the unexpected resistance of the defenders of King Albert, had reached their goal the French frontier. About the middle of August, 1914, General Joffre, assigned to the British Expeditionary Force, commanded by Sir John French, the task of holding Mons against the powerful German advance.

The expeditionary force to Porto Rico, however, consisted not of 30,000 men but of only about 15,000; and it was not fully assembled on the island until the 8th of August. The total Spanish forces amounted to only about 10,000, collected on the defensible ground to the north and in the interior, so that they did not disturb the disembarkation.

The fleet which co-operated with the land-forces in the artillery attack of October 17, 1854, consisted of twenty-five ships. There were present and prepared to attack in September, 1855, thirty-four ships. October, 1855, an expeditionary force of nine thousand men was sent to Kinburn, which place was captured.