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Beaujeu and a dozen more fell dead upon the spot, and the Indians already began to fly, their courage being unable to endure the unwonted tumult of such a portentous detonation. But reanimated by the clamorous exhortations of Dumas and De Ligneris, and observing that the regulars and militia still preserved a firm front, they returned once more to their posts and resumed the combat.

The second part of Joseph's address is occupied with his message to Jacob, and shows how he longed for his father's presence. There is something very natural and beautiful in the repeated exhortations to haste, as indicating the impatient love of a long-absent son. If his heart was so true to his father, why had he sent him no message for all these years?

A FATHER had a family of sons who were perpetually quarreling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks.

It must be my will, too, and if it is not my will, the Divine will can never be accomplished in me. I must will to be sanctified, as God is willing that I should be sanctified. There are as many, and more, exhortations in the Bible to sanctify yourselves than there are promises of God to sanctify you. The next text is James iv. 8: "Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.

But since then, aided by the hosts of wisdom, of utterance, of exhortations and understanding, they have all seized and taken fast hold of the firm cord of patience and of the shining hem of fortitude, in such wise that this wronged people endured steadfastly whatever befell them, and committed everything unto God, and this notwithstanding that in Mázindarán and at Rasht a great many have been most hideously tormented.

At the same time the augur Aristander, who had a white mantle about him, and a crown of gold on his head, rode by and showed them an eagle that soared just over Alexander, and directed his Right towards the enemy; which so animated the beholders, that after mutual encouragements and exhortations, the horse charged at full speed, and were followed in a mass by the whole phalanx of the foot.

The letters of the parents to the son are full of pious exhortations, and good advice, and reproaches to the boy for not writing oftener and more at length, and for not answering every question asked by the parents.

When our applications to and exhortations of political and ecclesiastical influential men in America and in Europe were not regarded, and in these days of Noah the earth was corrupt and filled with violence, and all flesh had corrupted his way, I Mos. vi: 11 and 12, the flood of revolution broke out in Europe in the year 1848, on the exact day in correspondence with prophecies given by our instrumentality and published in my volumes, and emperors and kings, and their machines of destruction, the bishops of America and in Europe, and other political and ecclesiastical officers, who with all our exhortations remained obstinate sinners against the Holy Ghost, who has disclosed by our instrumentality that which is required for the introduction of the promised peaceable reign of Christ, which according to our disclosures by a long chain of signs according to prophecies, will be the universal republic of truth and justice, harmony and peace on the whole globe, are responsible for all destruction of human life and property, which were consumed in that revolution and afterwards until this hour, and would have been saved, if the means shown in our message, had been used.

The wonderful woman had something smart and apt to say about each fresh contribution, and used it to screw up the general interest a notch further toward benevolent hysteria. With songs and jokes and impromptu exhortations and prayers she kept the thing whirling, until a sort of duel of generosity began between two of the most unlikely men Erastus Winch and Levi Gorringe.

The bidding commenced, at first very spirited, and then gradually slacking off, as the price mounted above the means of the neighboring farmers. The chief aspirant was a stranger, a well-dressed man with a lawyer's air, whom nobody knew. After the usual long pauses and passionate exhortations, the hammer fell, and the auctioneer, turning to the stranger, asked, "What name?" "Jacob Flint!"