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His work, though heavy, is interesting from the picture it exhibits of Germany, &c. in the middle of the 18th century. Adams's Letters on Silesia, during a Tour in 1800-2. Philadelphia, 3 vols. 8vo. Mr. Adams was ambassador from the United States to Berlin: his work contains some interesting information, especially on the manufactures of Silesia.

The Irish theatre always exhibits traits of this national taste; but a dinner-party, with its due infusion of barristers, is the best possible exemplification of this give and take, which, even if it had no higher merit, is a powerful ally of good-humour, and the sworn foe to everything like over-irritability or morbid self-esteem.

But it couldn't go to the exhibition. To-day is the 22nd; all the exhibits have been in a long time." "Bah! With influence " She frowned, and her bad expression came back, her mouth turning down. "That's true. The protege of the Duc de Mora. Oh! you have no need to apologize. I know what people say, and I don't care that " and she threw a little ball of clay at the wall, where it stuck, flat.

Of the two parallel buildings on either side of this court, the southern one is a Florentine structure containing a single hall devoted to purely governmental exhibits.

The play was represented in state in the great courtyard of the ducal palace at Ferrara, on the occasion of the marriage of Lucrezia d' Este with Annibale Bentivogli, on January 21, 1487 . Like the Orfeo, the piece exhibits traces of its origin in the religious shows, though, unlike the original draft of Poliziano's play, it is divided into five acts each of some length, and is provided with regular choruses on the classical model.

The paste exhibits two distinct varieties of color which may be described roughly as light and dark. A certain range of dark hues blacks, browns, and grays were probably produced by "smother baking." Another set of colors embracing light reddish and yellowish grays resulted from changes in the clay produced by simple open air baking.

These evenings include basket ball games and athletics, Boy Scout activities, moving picture exhibits, public concerts and meetings, with such speakers on popular themes as Commissioner of Corrections Katharine B. Davis. Other public schools give carpentry training in actual shop work, qualifying the students for positions in trade.

It exhibits you as a nation without faith; with whom oaths and treaties are considered as trifles, and the breaking them as the breaking of a bubble. Regard to decency, or to rank, might have taught you better; or pride inspired you, though virtue could not.

A crossroad has suddenly opened in the middle of the monotonous way along which I was travelling quietly, and without thinking of it. Two roads present themselves, and I must choose between them. One is only the continuation of that I have followed till now; the other is wider, and exhibits wondrous prospects.

The viscount~ and I often write to each other, but we do not meet, and the poor man remains shut up in Rhode Island; the French squadron detains the army there, and is itself detained by nineteen ships of the line and sundry other ships of war, upon which M. Rodney proudly exhibits the British colours.