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Whatever is above that, is a direct TAX; and if the amount of that tax be left to the will and pleasure of another, it is an ARBITRARY TAX. The true cause of his drawing so shocking a picture is no more than this, and it ought rather to claim our pity than excite our indignation; he finds himself out of power; and this condition is intolerable to him.

I looked over them but could find nothing that seemed to be of interest. They were all letters from other people. But they showed that he must have quite an extensive practice, and that he is not over-scrupulous. I didn't want to take anything that would excite suspicion unless I had to. Just then I heard someone coming down the corridor from the elevator.

Her dress was of a kind that could never grow old-fashioned, because it was simply natural: a robe plaited in a band around the neck, and confined by a belt about the waist, descended to her feet. It was only afterwards, however, that I took notice of her dress, although my surprise was by no means of so overpowering a degree as such an apparition might naturally be expected to excite.

It's only natural that he should excite the jealousy of a weaker intellect." Johnny opened his lips for an explosion, then changed his mind and agreed sourly. "He's got money, all right, and he knows how to spend it. He and his valet occupied three cabins on this ship. They say his quarters at Hope are palatial." "My dear grampus, the mere love of luxury doesn't argue that a person is dishonest."

Whatever uneasiness they may feel whatever little improvement in their respective neighbourhoods may appear to be neglected, afford grounds for complaint against the executive. All is charged upon the Government, and a host of discontented spirits are ever ready to excite these feelings.

"You are to mingle with all these considerations that of the cross, and the death of the Saviour of mankind; but you are to do it in a moving pathetical manner; by those figures which are proper to excite such emotions, as cause in our hearts a deep sorrow for our sins, in the presence of an offended God, even to draw tears from the eyes of your audience.

The piteous description of miserable Calabria, and the picture of the sad situation of the Bishop of Martorano, appeared to me more likely to call forth tears than to excite hilarity, and, suspecting that some mystification was being played upon me, I was very near getting angry when, becoming more composed, he told me with feeling that I must kindly excuse him; that his laughter was a disease which seemed to be endemic in his family, for one of his uncles died of it.

Such are the sentiments which every man must expect to excite, who shall dare to present his fellow creatures with that truth which all appear to be in search of, but which all either fear to find, or else mistake what we are disposed to shew it to them. But what is this man, who is so foully calumniated as an atheist?

The eighth article alone was based on the address at Baltimore, which it characterized as "an intemperate and inflammatory political harangue," delivered "with intent to excite the fears and resentment... of the good people of Maryland against their State Government and Constitution,... and against the Government of the United States."

Here also are more glacially polished masses and cliffs of granite, clearly indicating great glacial activity in the upper part of this canyon. The trail is ticklish in a few places, with steps up and down which our horses take gingerly, but nothing which need excite an extra heart-beat to one used to mountain trails.