United States or Libya ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

'No, said Mr Pecksniff. 'Not swans. Very like swans, too. Thank you. The nephew with the outline of a countenance, speaking for the first and last time on that occasion, propounded 'Oysters. 'No, said Mr Pecksniff, with his own peculiar urbanity, 'nor oysters. But by no means unlike oysters; a very excellent idea; thank you, my dear sir, very much. Wait! Sirens. Dear me! sirens, of course.

"He shall have every care and attention without any assistance from you; or Rose either; at least for the present." "But, dear papa, to have you worn out and made ill would be worse than anything else." "That does not follow as an inevitable consequence, and you may safely trust me to take excellent care of number one," he said, with playful look and tone.

I found that, excellent as are our missionaries in those regions, their work has not at all been what those who send them have supposed. No Mohammedan converts are made.

"Just convanient. At the end of the town; in the house on the hill as you passed, sir; to the left, with the trees about it, all of his own planting, grown too; for there's a blessing on all he does, and he has done a deal. There's salad, sir, if you are partial to it. Very fine lettuce. Mrs. Burke sent us the plants herself." "Excellent salad! So this Mr. Burke has done a great deal, has he?

We dined today with several other persons of our condition, at a merchant's house of this city; who, after he had treated us with choice dainties and excellent wines, sent for men and women dancers, and musicians.

For an instant Herbert thought he could perceive a slight smoke in the west, but a more attentive examination showed that he was mistaken. He strained his eyes in every direction, and his sight was excellent. No, decidedly there was nothing there. Herbert descended to the foot of the kauri, and the two sportsmen returned to Granite House.

"Mathias, why comes he not? Shall I not once more see my most excellent friend?" "My dear father, he will ere long be here. The messenger is trustworthy, and will soon return." "The journey of life is near its close. The holy hill is in sight. I pass through the vale of death on my way to the better land. Yonder is the home of the faithful. Sorrow and mourning shall flee away." "He is here!

Was she professional? 'Who? inquired Ferdinand. 'Your songstress. 'Professional! oh! ah! yes! No! she was not a professional singer, but she was fit to be one; and that is an excellent idea, too; for I would sooner, after all, be a professional singer, and live by my art, than marry against my inclination, or not marry according to it.

The schoolmaster was a little taken aback at this sudden prospect of departure, but he had always been wholly indulgent to his son, and it was not in his nature to refuse to allow him to avail himself of an opportunity which appeared to be an excellent one.

And with that the old lawyer turned away to go back to the library; while the poet, though not altogether without a somewhat annoying notion that he was laughed at, was nevertheless delighted with the excellent idea that had been suggested to him. "I made him understand that you could not see him.