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Isobel frowned in a troubled manner that awakened strange, wild longings. "I cannot make it out," she replied. "He appears to be keeping something back." "He is very ill-advised. He will certainly have to make up his mind to speak out when Inspector Gatton examines him.

Ye catch th' wurruds, 'Grape Pie, 'Canned Salmon, 'Cast-iron digestion. Still he doesn't come up. He tells a few stories to th' childher. He weighs th' youngest in his hands an' says: 'That's a fine boy ye have, Mrs. Hinnissy. I make no doubt he'll grow up to be a polisman. He examines th' phottygraft album an' asks if that isn't so-an'-so.

You do not come merely to hear a lecture, or to read a book, but you come for that catechetical instruction, which consists in a sort of conversation between your lecturer and you. He tells you a thing, and he asks you to repeat it after him. He questions you, he examines you, he will not let you go till he has proof, not only that you have heard, but that you know.

Taking this as a working hypothesis, he examines what would be the motions of all the planets if this were true. And the examination ends with establishing the high probability of the Law of Gravitation.

He looks here, sir, and examines there," and Bayham tapped his forehead, which was expansive, and then his heart, which he considered to be in the right place. "What is this I hear about dressing?" asks our host. "Dine in your frock, my good friend, and welcome, if your dress-coat is in the country." "It is at present at an uncle's," Mr.

For a machine to work well it is important that the machinist should overhaul it frequently, which this one never fails to do, especially after a long absence. Whilst he is on his way from Tilsit, "everybody anxiously examines his conscience to ascertain what he has done that this rigid master will find fault with on his return.

Every prominent Roman availed himself of their services. Mr. Baring-Gould, in his Tragedy of the Caesars, arranges, examines, and interprets these portraits of Augustus; I shall give you the gist of his conclusions, which are illuminating. First we see a boy with delicate and exceedingly beautiful features, impassive and unawakend: Octavius when he came to Rome.

His terrible celebrity only began in 1777, caused by the double murder of Madame de Lamotte and her son, and his name, unlike those of some other great criminals, does not at first recall a long series of crimes, but when one examines this low, crooked, and obscure life, one finds a fresh stain at every step, and perhaps no one has ever surpassed him in dissimulation, in profound hypocrisy, in indefatigable depravity.

"Her evening prayers; she is commending herself to God; she implores him to save her soul from evil thoughts; she examines her conscience and recalls what she has done during the day; that she may know if she has failed to obey his commands and those of the church poor dear little soul, she lays bare her breast!" Tears were in the sleeper's eyes.

And as it goes about its cage I am at the Zoo in spirit with a silent wonder shining out of its great eyes, it examines things by feeling them with its hands. How plainly a new avenue from the outer world into its mind has been opened by those fingers! But how about scratching?