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A sound from the clump of evergreens soon gained his attention, and a moment later he stood at the entrance of her wintry bower, the very embodiment of sympathy, and wondering greatly at her distress. A stick snapped under his tread, and Lottie looked up hastily, dashing the tears right and left. "What did you come for?" she asked brusquely. "Well, I suppose I must say in truth I wanted to.

John and Frederick answered all the old man's questions with kindness and civility; and as the young party were leaving the green-house, he asked them whether they should not want some flowers and evergreens against their little dance? 'Oh yes, if you please, gardener, was the ready and quick answer: 'we may, mamma, may we not? said Harriet, looking up at her mother before she gave her reply.

They are determined by calculations of the position of the sun and the phases of the moon a planet sacred to lovers and lunatics, and naturally dear therefore to devotion and superstition. You decorate your churches with evergreens and flowers as the Pagans decorated their temples and altars. You use Easter eggs like the pre-Christian religionists.

Once more the dark and bitter water coiled its tortuous channel through the slime; huge, gray evergreens, shaggy and forbidding, towered above, closing in closer and closer on every side, crowding us into an ever-narrowing trail.

Pa was unmoved by the beauties of Sussex or by the colors of the sunset, which for the moment made picturesque the scraggy evergreens on the horizon. His eyes were with his heart, and that was in Sparta. Above the roar of the car-wheels we heard his nagging inquiries. "What did Lycurgus do then?" Answer not audible. "No. He made laws. Who did he make laws for?" "For the Greeks."

As for children, you stumbled over them at every step, quite weighed down with the heaviness of their joy, and the money burning their pockets; the acrid old brokers and pettifoggers, that you met with a chill on other days, had turned into jolly fathers of families, and lounged laughing along with half a dozen little hands pulling them into candy-stores or toy-shops: all the churches whose rules permitted them to show their deep rejoicing in a simple way had covered their cold stone walls with evergreens and wreaths of glowing fire-berries: the child's angel had touched them too, perhaps, not unwisely.

It broke up the soil. The flowers that came up were neither rare nor great, but they were many, varied, and pleasing, and in every respect an improvement on the evergreens and hardy annuals with which the English garden had become more and more encumbered from want of intelligent cultivation.

"Better thing for me!" answered Filippo. That evening after supper the boys stole silently through the woods to the northeastern end of the island. The Sly Hole was empty! The sloop had gone! Stepping out of the evergreens, Jim looked westward along the shore. "There they are!" The dory towing astern was piled high with traps. "Shouldn't wonder if they had some of ours among 'em!" exclaimed Jim.

He stood at the new grave's foot, sank to one knee, wiped true tears from his eyes, pressed apart the evergreens and chrysanthemums piled there, and laid in the midst his own bruised and wilted offering of lilies. As he reached the graveyard gate in departing his mood lightened. "An' now gen'lemen," he said to himself, "is come to pa-ass the ve-y nick an' keno o' time faw a fresh staht.

Watch the size and the sap flow so that the bark will lift well which may not be at just the time that deciduous trees are budded. It may be both earlier or later in the season. Graft evergreens like the olive in the nursery row; not by bench grafting. Budding Old Olives. I have seedling olive trees, set out in 1904, which I wish to change over to the Ascolano variety.