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From the end of April until the beginning of September during the most momentous period of the whole crisis, he was engaged in London upon a financial conference, while his place was taken in Cairo by a substitute. With a characteristically convenient unobtrusiveness, Sir Evelyn Baring had vanished from the scene.

The former approached the table and turned over the handful of letters. "Two for ye from England, Evelyn, and one or two for me," she said, flashing a quick glance at the girl. "Nothing else; I had thought Vane would maybe send a bit note from one of the island ports to say how he was getting on." Then Jessy rose, smiling, to greet her hostess.

But when the preparations were all made, and Evelyn went to her own room, there did not seem to be so much hope, nor any brightness in the midst of this first great catastrophe of her life. The great Mavick ball at Newport, in the summer long remembered for its financial disasters, was very much talked about at the time.

Yet he flattered Evelyn very much, I saw, on her business qualifications, and her insight into financial matters, of which abilities, indeed, she was more proud than of her accomplishments, or even beauty.

It was such a beautiful morning, she said, that it would do both of them good. The old lady walked very slowly with her stick. But though Evelyn thought that she must be at least a countess, she did not think she was very rich she had probably lost her money.

"Now, you won't think of anything until you have drawn out every nail, will you? Promise me." Sister Mary John put the pincers into her hand, and when the board was free of nails, it seemed that Evelyn had begun to take an interest in the fate of the board which she had prepared.

Maltravers remounted his horse, and sought his home; and his heart was lighter than before he entered that cottage. But at evening Cleveland talked of Vargrave and Evelyn, and the good fortune of the one, and the charms of the other; and the wound, so well concealed, bled afresh.

Evelyn said, squeezing affectionately the hand Lulu had slipped into hers. "Captain," looking up smilingly into his face, "are you intending to be so very, very kind as to take me for one of your pupils?" "Most assuredly, my dear, if you wish it," he replied. "Oh, thank you, sir! thank you very much indeed, and I promise to give you as little trouble as I possibly can."

The latter possibility, however, was of less account, for detection would come too late if she were successful. She was acquainted with the salient points of Evelyn's character. "They're consistent, if not always very logical," she concluded after a pause. "One endeavors to make allowances for men of that description." Something in her tone roused Evelyn to sudden imperious anger.

He assumed, therefore, the countenance, the postures, and the voice of heart-broken but submissive despair; he affected a nobleness and magnanimity in his grief, which touched Evelyn to the quick, and took her by surprise. "It is enough," said he, in sad and faltering accents; "quite enough for me to know that you cannot love me, that I should fail in rendering you happy.