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"Vous êtes un peu agitée, ce matin, ma bonne Annette," she merely observed, when her maid had committed a blunder more material than common. "J'espère que Mademoiselle a été contente de moi, jusqu'

"Yes, sir; the day before yesterday. He was going off for a fortnight or three weeks into the country to paint a portrait of some priest a bishop, I think." July 15th. "Midi, roi des etes." I know by heart that poem by "Monsieur le Comte de l'Isle," as my Uncle Mouillard calls him. Its lines chime in my ears every day when I return from luncheon to the office I have left an hour before.

But you appreciate how it is for me to go to him. In your case I should say, square and fair, vous etes audessus de cela, mon cher, je n'ai pas le sou. And you know," said he, looking straight into my eyes with an expression of desperation, "I am going to tell you, square and fair, I am in a terrible situation: pouvez-vous me preter dix rubles argent?

The watchful planton did a sort of salute and closed the door after him. The skullcapped dignitary turned to his papers and began mouthing them with his huge hands, grunting pleasantly. Finally he found one, and said lazily: "De quelle endroit que vooz etes?" "De Massachusetts," said I.

"Nous vous demandons ce que vous avez fait de nos tresors et de notre liberte?" "We want to know what you have done with our treasure and our liberty?" President. "Citoyens, vous etes dans le sein de la Convention Nationale." "Citizens, I must remind you that you are in the presence of the National Convention." People. "Du pain, du pain, Coquin Qu'as tu fait de notre argent?

It has no name. Besides, I like you English. You are terrible, but one can count on you.... Vous y êtes?" "J'y suis," replied Mr. Prohack, ravished. Lady Massulam in her agitation picked up the tumbler and sipped. "Pardon!" she cried, aghast. "It is yours," and planked the tumbler down again on the lacquered table. Mr. Prohack had the wit to drink also.

Tell them frankly, 'que vous cherchez a vous former, que vous etes en mains de maitres, s'ils veulent bien s'en donner la peine'. Your profession has this agreeable peculiarity in it, which is, that it is connected with, and promoted by pleasures; and it is the only one in which a thorough knowledge of the world, polite manners, and an engaging address, are absolutely necessary.

"Que vaut-il le mieux être, évêque ou juge?" "Oh!" fait Henry Smith, "évêque. Car le juge, au plus, peut dire: 'Allez vous faire pendre; mais l'évêque peut vous damner." "Oui," dit le maître de Balliol, "mais si le juge dit: 'Allez vous faire pendre, vous êtes effectivement pendu." Ici Smith avait le dessous.

A short interval had elapsed, after it was supposed that everybody had come from below, when a tall, thin personage, in the dress of a landsman, crawled up the hatchway. "Halloo!" cried Jerry; "Mr Longtogs, who have we here? Why, he must be the padre. I say, mounseer, je very much suspect, que vous etes what they call a Father Confessor, n'est-ce pas? Devilish good idea. A privateer with a parson!

Apprenez, chiens de Francois, a souffrir, et vous sauvages leurs allies, qui etes les chiens des chiens, souvenez vous de ce que vous devez faire quand vous serez en pareil etat que moi." Hist. N. Y., I. 323-355; La Potherie, III. 270-282; N. Y. Col. Docs., IV. 242.